load_options: Load roxygen2 options

View source: R/options.R

load_optionsR Documentation

Load roxygen2 options


Options can be stored in the Roxygen field of the DESCRIPTION, or in man/roxygen/meta.R. In either case, the code is parsed and evaluated in a child of the base environment. Call roxy_meta_get() to access current option values from within tag and roclet methods.

Options in man/roxygen/meta.R override those present in DESCRIPTION.


load_options(base_path = ".")

roxy_meta_get(key = NULL, default = NULL)



Path to package.

Possible options

  • roclets ⁠<character>⁠: giving names of roclets to run. See roclet_find() for details.

  • packages ⁠<character>⁠: packages to load that implement new tags.

  • load ⁠<string>⁠: how to load R code. See load for details.

  • old_usage ⁠<flag>⁠: use old style usage formatting?

  • markdown ⁠<flag>⁠: translate markdown syntax to Rd?

  • r6 ⁠<flag>⁠: document R6 classes?

  • current_package ⁠<string>⁠ (read only): name of package being documented.

  • rd_family_title ⁠<list>⁠: overrides for ⁠@family⁠ titles. See the rd vignette for details: vignette("rd", package = "roxygen2")

  • knitr_chunk_options ⁠<list>⁠: default chunk options used for knitr.

  • restrict_image_formats ⁠<flag>⁠: if TRUE then PDF images are only included in the PDF manual, and SVG images are only included in the HTML manual. (This only applies to images supplied via markdown.)

How to set

Either set in DESCRIPTION:

Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE, load = "installed")

Or if longer, you can put in ⁠/man/roxygen/meta.R⁠:

  markdown = TRUE,
  load = "installed"

r-lib/roxygen2 documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 9:19 a.m.