rename_files: Automatically rename paired R/ and test/ files

View source: R/rename-files.R

rename_filesR Documentation

Automatically rename paired ⁠R/⁠ and ⁠test/⁠ files


  • Moves ⁠R/{old}.R⁠ to ⁠R/{new}.R⁠

  • Moves ⁠src/{old}.*⁠ to ⁠src/{new}.*⁠

  • Moves ⁠tests/testthat/test-{old}.R⁠ to ⁠tests/testthat/test-{new}.R⁠

  • Moves ⁠tests/testthat/test-{old}-*.*⁠ to ⁠tests/testthat/test-{new}-*.*⁠ and updates paths in the test file.

  • Removes context() calls from the test file, which are unnecessary (and discouraged) as of testthat v2.1.0.

This is a potentially dangerous operation, so you must be using Git in order to use this function.


rename_files(old, new)


old, new

Old and new file names (with or without .R extensions).

r-lib/usethis documentation built on Jan. 24, 2025, 12:25 a.m.