LASheader-class: An S4 class to represent the header of .las or .laz files

LASheader-classR Documentation

An S4 class to represent the header of .las or .laz files


An S4 class to represent the header of .las or .laz files according to the LAS file format specifications. A LASheader object contains a list in the slot ⁠@PHB⁠ with the data read from the Public Header Block, a list in the slot ⁠@VLR⁠ with the data read from the Variable Length Records and a list in the slot EVLR with the data read from the Extended Variable Lenght Records.



list. Represents the Public Header Block


list. Represents the Variable Length Records


list. Represents the Extended Variable Length Records

r-lidar/lidR documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 8:57 p.m.