rcmdcheck-config: rcmdcheck configuration

rcmdcheck-configR Documentation

rcmdcheck configuration


Options take precedence over environment variables. E.g. if both the RCMDCHECK_NUM_COLORS environment variables and the rcmdcheck.num_colors option are set, then the latter is used.


rcmdcheck uses the cli package for much of its output, so you can configure the output via cli, see cli::cli-config.

Package configration is defined in the DESCRIPTION file of the checked package. E.g.:

Config/build/clean-inst-doc: FALSE

Environment variables

  • R_PROFILE_USER: standard R environment variable to configure the path to the user level R profile. See base::R_PROFILE_USER.

  • RCMDCHECK_BASE_URL: URL to the root of the CRAN check web page. You can use this to select an alternative CRAN mirror. Defaults to ⁠https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/⁠.

  • RCMDCHECK_DETAILS_URL: URL to the root of the CRAN check output page. Defaults to ⁠https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/R.check/⁠.

  • RCMDCHECK_ERROR_ON: the default value for the error_on argument of rcmdcheck().

  • RCMDCHECK_FLAVOURS_URL URL to the CRAN check flavours page. You can use this to select an alternative CRAN mirror. Defaults to ⁠https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_flavors.html⁠.

  • RCMDCHECK_NUM_COLORS: the number of ANSI colors to use in the output. It can be used to override the number of colors detected or configured by the cli package. See cli::num_ansi_colors(). This configuration is only used for the output of rcmdcheck and it does not affect the examples and test cases (and other code) of the checked package. It not set, then the default of cli is uesed. The corresponding option is rcmdcheck.num_colors.

  • RCMDCHECK_TIMESTAMP_LIMIT: lower limit is seconds, above which rcmdcheck adds time stamps to the individual check steps. It may be fractional. Defaults to 1/3 of a second. The corresponding option is rcmdcheck.timestamp_limit.

  • RCMDCHECK_USE_RSTUDIO_PANDOC: Flag (true or false). If true, then rcmdcheck always puts RStudio's pandoc (if available) on the path. If false, then it never does that. If not set, or set to a different value, then pandoc is put on the path only if it is not already available. RStudio's pandoc is detected via an RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable.

  • RCMDCHECK_LOAD_CHECK_ENV: you can use this environment variable suppress loading environment variables from the tools/check.env file. See rcmdcheck() for details.

  • RSTUDIO_PANDOC: if set, rcmdcheck adds this environment variable to the PATH if pandoc is not on the PATH already. It is usually set in RStudio. See also the RCMDCHECK_USE_RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable.


  • rcmdcheck.num_colors: the number of ANSI colors to use in the output. It can be used to override the number of colors detected or configured by the cli package. See cli::num_ansi_colors(). This configuration is only used for the output of rcmdcheck and it does not affect the examples and test cases (and other code) of the checked package. It not set, then the default of cli is uesed. The corresponding environment variable is RCMDCHECK_NUM_COLORS.

  • rcmdcheck.test_output: Flag (TRUE or FALSE), whether print.rcmdcheck() should print the full test output if there are no test failures. If some tests fail, then only the failures are printed, independently of this option.

  • rcmdcheck.timestamp_limit: lower limit is seconds, above which rcmdcheck adds time stamps to the individual check steps. It may be fractional. Defaults to 1/3 of a second. The corresponding environment variable is RCMDCHECK_TIMESTAMP_LIMIT.

Package configuration:

  • Config/build/clean-inst-doc: Flag (TRUE or FALSE) to specify if the inst/doc directory should be cleaned up when building a package directory. If not specified, then NULL is used. See the clean_doc option of pkgbuild::build() for more details.

r-pkgs/rcmdcheck documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 11:35 a.m.