# # Helper function, copied from mapview - v2.7.1
# ## the two crs we use
# wmcrs <- "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"
# llcrs <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
# non_proj_warning <-
# "supplied layer has no projection information and is shown without background map"
# wrong_proj_warning <-
# paste0("projection of supplied layer is not leaflet conform.", "\n",
# " projecting to '", llcrs, "'")
# # Check and potentially adjust projection of objects to be rendered =======
# checkAdjustProjection <- function(x, method = "bilinear") {
# x <- switch(class(x)[1],
# "RasterLayer" = rasterCheckAdjustProjection(x, method),
# "RasterStack" = rasterCheckAdjustProjection(x, method),
# "RasterBrick" = rasterCheckAdjustProjection(x, method),
# "SpatialPointsDataFrame" = spCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" = spCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "SpatialLinesDataFrame" = spCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "SpatialPoints" = spCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "SpatialPolygons" = spCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "SpatialLines" = spCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sf" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "XY" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_POINT" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_MULTIPOINT" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_LINESTRING" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_MULTILINESTRING" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_POLYGON" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_GEOMETRY" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x),
# "sfc_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION" = sfCheckAdjustProjection(x))
# return(x)
# }
# # Project Raster* objects for mapView =====================================
# rasterCheckAdjustProjection <- function(x, method) {
# is.fact <- raster::is.factor(x)[1]
# # if (is.na(raster::projection(x))) {
# # warning(non_proj_warning)
# # raster::extent(x) <- scaleExtent(x)
# # raster::projection(x) <- llcrs
# if (is.fact) {
# x <- raster::projectRaster(
# x, raster::projectExtent(x, crs = sp::CRS(wmcrs)),
# method = "ngb")
# x <- raster::as.factor(x)
# } else {
# x <- raster::projectRaster(
# x, raster::projectExtent(x, crs = sp::CRS(wmcrs)),
# method = method)
# }
# return(x)
# }
# # Project stars* objects for mapView =====================================
# starsCheckAdjustProjection <- function(x, method) {
# x <- sf::st_transform(
# x,
# crs = llcrs
# )
# return(x)
# }
# # Check and potentially adjust projection of sf objects ===================
# sfCheckAdjustProjection <- function(x) {
# if (is.na(sf::st_crs(x))) {
# return(x) # warning(non_proj_warning)
# } else { #if (!validLongLat(sf::st_crs(x)$proj4string)) {
# x <- sf::st_transform(x, llcrs)
# }
# return(x)
# }
# # Check and potentially adjust projection of Spatial* objects =============
# spCheckAdjustProjection <- function(x) {
# # if (is.na(raster::projection(x))) {
# # warning(non_proj_warning)
# # if (class(x)[1] %in% c("SpatialPointsDataFrame", "SpatialPoints")) {
# # methods::slot(x, "coords") <- scaleCoordinates(coordinates(x)[, 1],
# # coordinates(x)[, 2])
# # } else if (class(x)[1] %in% c("SpatialPolygonsDataFrame",
# # "SpatialPolygons")) {
# # x <- scalePolygonsCoordinates(x)
# # } else if (class(x)[1] %in% c("SpatialLinesDataFrame",
# # "SpatialLines")) {
# # x <- scaleLinesCoordinates(x)
# # }
# #
# # raster::projection(x) <- llcrs
# if (!identical(raster::projection(x), llcrs)) {
# x <- sp::spTransform(x, CRSobj = llcrs)
# }
# return(x)
# }
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