Man pages for r-tensorflow/autokeras
R Interface to 'AutoKeras'

AutokerasModel-classAutokeras Model Class Representation
autokeras-packageR Interface to AutoKeras
evaluateEvaluate a Model
export_modelExport Model
fitSearch for the Best Model and Hyperparameters
install_autokerasInstall Autokeras, Keras, and the Tensorflow Backend
model_image_classifierAutoKeras Image Classifier Model
model_image_regressorAutoKeras Image Regressor Model
model_structured_data_classifierAutoKeras Structured Data Classifier Model
model_structured_data_regressorAutoKeras Structured Data Regressor Model
model_text_classifierAutoKeras Text Classifier Model
model_text_regressorAutoKeras Text Regressor Model
predictModel Predictions
r-tensorflow/autokeras documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 8 a.m.