  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = TRUE, message = TRUE)

In this example we will use the unet package to create a U-Net model that could be used to remove the background from images in the Carvana dataset.

U-Net is a kind of convolutional neural network that was first developed for biomedical image segmentation but it showed good results in many other fields.

U-Net architecture

The dataset we are going to use appeared first in the Carvana Image Masking Challenge on Kaggle. You can see more information on the competition page.

Before running the script, download the data. You will only need and files.

The file contains images of the cars taken by Carvana and contains the respective masks.

Here are some examples of what you can find in the dataset. On the left we can find the original image and on the right we find the mask.

images <- tibble(
  img = list.files(here::here("data-raw/train"), full.names = TRUE),
  mask = list.files(here::here("data-raw/train_masks"), full.names = TRUE)
  ) %>% 
  sample_n(2) %>% 
  map(. %>% magick::image_read() %>% magick::image_resize("128x128"))

out <- magick::image_append(c(
  magick::image_append(images$img, stack = TRUE), 
  magick::image_append(images$mask, stack = TRUE)


Now let's start building building our model. We will use tfdatasets to build our data loading and pre-processing pipeline.

First we will define which images we are going to use for training and which images we will use for validation. I am assuming we extracted both folders into the data-raw directory.

data <- tibble(
  img = list.files(here::here("data-raw/train"), full.names = TRUE),
  mask = list.files(here::here("data-raw/train_masks"), full.names = TRUE)

data <- initial_split(data, prop = 0.8)

Ok, now let's define a pipeline to read the files and decode them as images. In this case the images are .jpeg files and the masks are .gif files.

training_dataset <- training(data) %>%  
  tensor_slices_dataset() %>% 
  dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
    img = tf$image$decode_jpeg(tf$io$read_file(.x$img)),
    mask = tf$image$decode_gif(tf$io$read_file(.x$mask))[1,,,][,,1,drop=FALSE]

The [ calls wouldn't be necessary if tf$image$decode_gif returned a 3D Tensor like tf$image$decode_jpeg does. And if it could read just one color channel as we are only interested if it's black and white.

If you are running this code interactively you can easily see the output of this chunk with:

example <- training_dataset %>% as_iterator() %>% iter_next()

The above loaded the images into into a uint8 Tensor. Which is great for reading as it uses less memory. However for modelling we prefer having float32 Tensors, and that the values are in the [0,1] range. That's what we will fix now:

training_dataset <- training_dataset %>% 
  dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
    img = tf$image$convert_image_dtype(.x$img, dtype = tf$float32),
    mask = tf$image$convert_image_dtype(.x$mask, dtype = tf$float32)

The images from our dataset are pretty high definition (1280x1918) but we will resize them to reduce the computing cost of the model. We are going to resize them to 128x128. This size is completely arbitrary.

training_dataset <- training_dataset %>% 
  dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
    img = tf$image$resize(.x$img, size = shape(128, 128)),
    mask = tf$image$resize(.x$mask, size = shape(128, 128))

We can plot the resulting images:

example <- training_dataset %>% as_iterator() %>% iter_next()
example$img %>% as.array() %>% as.raster() %>% plot()

It's usual when fitting U-Net to use some kind of data augmentation strategy. In this example we are going to apply some random brightness, saturation and contrast in each image. Let's encapsulate this into an R function:

random_bsh <- function(img) {
  img %>% 
    tf$image$random_brightness(max_delta = 0.3) %>% 
    tf$image$random_contrast(lower = 0.5, upper = 0.7) %>% 
    tf$image$random_saturation(lower = 0.5, upper = 0.7) %>% 
    tf$clip_by_value(0, 1) # clip the values into [0,1] range.

We can now map this function over the images:

training_dataset <- training_dataset %>% 
  dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
    img = random_bsh(.x$img)

Again, we can plot the resulting image:

example <- training_dataset %>% as_iterator() %>% iter_next()
example$img %>% as.array() %>% as.raster() %>% plot()

Of course, we could create a function with the above code and reuse it to create the validation dataset, and that's what we are going to do.

create_dataset <- function(data, train, batch_size = 32L) {

  dataset <- data %>% 
    tensor_slices_dataset() %>% 
    dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
      img = tf$image$decode_jpeg(tf$io$read_file(.x$img)),
      mask = tf$image$decode_gif(tf$io$read_file(.x$mask))[1,,,][,,1,drop=FALSE]
    )) %>% 
    dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
      img = tf$image$convert_image_dtype(.x$img, dtype = tf$float32),
      mask = tf$image$convert_image_dtype(.x$mask, dtype = tf$float32)
    )) %>% 
    dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
      img = tf$image$resize(.x$img, size = shape(128, 128)),
      mask = tf$image$resize(.x$mask, size = shape(128, 128))

  if (train) {
    dataset <- dataset %>% 
      dataset_map(~.x %>% list_modify(
        img = random_bsh(.x$img)

  if (train) {
    dataset <- dataset %>% 
      dataset_shuffle(buffer_size = batch_size*128)

  dataset <- dataset %>% 

  dataset %>% 
    dataset_map(unname) # Keras needs an unnamed output.

Note that we added 3 steps in the create_dataset function:

  1. dataset_batch to batch the dataset before.
  2. dataset_shuffle to shuffle the dataset
  3. dataset_map(unname) since Keras needs unnamed input.

Now we can create our training and validation datasets:

training_dataset <- create_dataset(training(data), train = TRUE)
validation_dataset <- create_dataset(testing(data), train = FALSE)

Great! We have prepared our data pipeline. Now we need to build the model.

Luckily, building the model is the easiest part if you use unet.

model <- unet(input_shape = c(128, 128, 3))

That's all. The model is built. You can see the summary if you want with:


Finally, let's compile and fit our model. The competition uses a different metric called Dice that can be implemented like this:

dice <- custom_metric("dice", function(y_true, y_pred, smooth = 1.0) {
  y_true_f <- k_flatten(y_true)
  y_pred_f <- k_flatten(y_pred)
  intersection <- k_sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f)
  (2 * intersection + smooth) / (k_sum(y_true_f) + k_sum(y_pred_f) + smooth)

We can now compile our model:

model %>% compile(
  optimizer = optimizer_rmsprop(lr = 1e-5),
  loss = "binary_crossentropy",
  metrics = list(dice, metric_binary_accuracy)

We could use a different loss - tuned to make Dice higher, but let's just use the binary crossentropy.

model %>% fit(
  epochs = 5, 
  validation_data = validation_dataset

Fitting this model takes ~1500s per epoch on my MacBook Pro CPU. With a good GPU you can make it in around ~120s/epoch.

That's it. Now you have trained a U-Net using unet.

We can now make predictions for the validation data and see what the results looks like. Let's take the first batch of images in the validation data.

batch <- validation_dataset %>% as_iterator() %>% iter_next()
predictions <- predict(model, batch)

In the image below you can see the original mask, the original picture and the predicted mask.

images <- tibble(
  image = batch[[1]] %>% array_branch(1),
  predicted_mask = predictions[,,,1] %>% array_branch(1),
  mask = batch[[2]][,,,1]  %>% array_branch(1)
) %>% 
  sample_n(2) %>% 
  map_depth(2, function(x) {
    as.raster(x) %>% magick::image_read()
  }) %>% 
  map(, .x))

out <- magick::image_append(c(
  magick::image_append(images$mask, stack = TRUE),
  magick::image_append(images$image, stack = TRUE), 
  magick::image_append(images$predicted_mask, stack = TRUE)


r-tensorflow/unet documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 2:06 a.m.