
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width = 9)

# Instructions

Open the tmap repository as RStudio project.
Set Knit Directory (via drop-down menu of the Knit button in RStudio) to Project Directory.



World$pop_class = cut(World$pop_est, breaks = c(0, 10, 100, 1000, Inf) * 1e6, labels = c("Small", "Medium", "Large", "Extra Large"))                       
World$HPI_class = cut(World$HPI, breaks = seq(10, 50, by = 10))
World$well_being_class = cut(World$well_being, breaks = seq(2, 8, by = 2))
World$footprint_class = cut(World$footprint, breaks = seq(0, 16, by = 4))

metro$pop2020_class = cut(metro$pop2020, breaks = c(.5, 1.5, 2.5, 5, 15, 40) * 1e6)
metro$pop2020_class8 = cut(metro$pop2020, breaks = c(.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40) * 1e6)

Africa = World[World$continent == "Africa", ]


land$cover_int = as.integer(land$cover)
land$cover_int[1:1000] = NA

World$economy_int = as.integer(World$economy)
World$economy_int[1:100] = NA

landsat_stars = read_stars(system.file("raster/landsat.tif", package = "spDataLarge"))
landsat_terra = rast(system.file("raster/landsat.tif", package = "spDataLarge"))

tif_stars = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars") %>% stars::read_stars()
tif_terra = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars") %>% terra::rast()

prec = stars::read_ncdf(system.file("nc/test_stageiv_xyt.nc", package = "stars"), curvilinear = c("lon", "lat"), ignore_bounds = TRUE)
nc = sf::read_sf(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package = "sf"), "nc.gpkg") %>%
prec_nc = aggregate(prec, by = nc, FUN = max)

weather = stars::read_ncdf(system.file('nc/bcsd_obs_1999.nc', package = 'stars'))
weather1 = stars::st_set_dimensions(merge(weather), names = c('longitude','latitude','time','attributes'))
weather2 = split(weather1, 'time')

tmapV =  ifelse(packageVersion("tmap") >= "3.4", "4", "3")
txt = function(x) print(grid::grid.text(x, gp = gpar(cex = 3)))
v3 = function(e) {
    if (tmapV == "3") {
    } else {
        txt("Only for tmap 3")
v4 = function(e) {
    if (tmapV == "4") {
    } else {
        txt("Only for tmap 4")
txt(paste("Loaded tmap version", tmapV))

Facetting shapes (variables)

These tests focus on dealing with creating facets with variables, group by variables or (stars) dimensions etc.

One facet

tm_shape(World) +


# wrap over variables
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(c("HPI", "income_grp"))

Multiple facets, specified by a 'facet wrap'

# wrap by
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons("HPI") +
    tm_facets(by = "continent")
# conflict: should take first variable
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(c("HPI", "income_grp")) +
    tm_facets(by = "continent")
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(c("HPI", "income_grp")) +
    tm_facets_grid(columns = "continent")
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(c("HPI", "income_grp")) +
    tm_facets_grid(rows = "continent")
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(c("HPI")) +
    tm_facets_grid(columns = "well_being_class", rows = "continent")
# stars 2 attributes and 3th dimensions
tm_shape(weather) +
# idem
tm_shape(weather) +
    tm_raster(c("tas", "pr"))
# inverse grid
tm_shape(weather) +
    tm_raster() +
    tm_facets_grid(rows = "time")
# idem
tm_shape(weather) +
    tm_raster(c("tas", "pr")) +
    tm_facets_grid(rows = "time")
# idem
tm_shape(weather) +
    tm_raster(c("tas", "pr")) +
    tm_facets_grid(columns = "VARS__")
# wrap with warning (only first variable used)
tm_shape(weather) +
    tm_raster() +
# select other variable, wrap (default to shape dim)
tm_shape(weather) +
    tm_raster("tas") +
# idem
tm_shape(weather) +
# idem
tm_shape(weather) +
    tm_raster(c("tas", "pr")) +
    tm_facets_grid(rows = "time")
tm_shape(weather2) +
weather22 = weather2[1:2]

tm_shape(weather22) +
    tm_raster(col.free = c(T, F))

tm_shape(weather22) +
    tm_raster(col.free = c(F, F))

tm_shape(weather22) +
    tm_raster(col.free = c(T, T))

tm_shape(weather22) +
    tm_raster(col.free = c(F, T))
tm_shape(World) + tm_polygons("pop_est", fill.free = FALSE) + tm_facets("continent")
tm_shape(World) + tm_polygons("pop_est", fill.free = TRUE) + tm_facets("continent")
tm_shape(World) + tm_polygons("pop_est", fill.free = TRUE) + tm_facets("continent", nrows = 1)
# merging facets OK
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(c("area", "pop_est", "pop_est_dens", "economy")) +
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_symbols(size = "pop_est") +
    tm_facets(by = "pop_class")
# merging facets OK
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(c("area", "pop_est", "pop_est_dens", "economy")) +
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_symbols(size = "pop_est") +
    tm_facets(by = "pop_class", nrows = 1)
tm_shape(World) + tm_polygons("HPI") + tm_facets(by = "economy")
tm_shape(World) + tm_polygons("HPI") + tm_facets(by = "economy_int")
tm_shape(World) + tm_polygons("HPI") + tm_facets(by = "economy", drop.NA.facets = TRUE)
tm_shape(land) + tm_raster("trees") + tm_facets(by = "cover_int")
tm_shape(land) + 
    tm_raster("trees") +
    tm_facets_wrap("cover_cls") +
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_polygons(col = rainbow(8), lwd = 3, fill = NA) +
tm_shape(metro) +
    tm_symbols(fill = "pop2020_class8", size = .5)

r-tmap/tmap documentation built on July 17, 2024, 5:04 p.m.