
Defines functions get_popups

# split_alpha_channel <- function(x, alpha) {
# 	if (is.null(x)) {
# 		list(col=NULL, opacity=0)
# 	} else {
# 		RGBA <- col2rgb(x, alpha = TRUE)
# 		col <- rgb(RGBA[1,], RGBA[2,], RGBA[3,], maxColorValue = 255)
# 		opacity <- unname(RGBA[4,]/255 * alpha)
# 		list(col=col, opacity=opacity)
# 	}
# }
# get_x_name <- function(type) {
# 	if (type=="fill") {
# 		"xfill"
# 	} else if (type=="symbol") {
# 		c("xsize", "xcol", "xshape")
# 	} else if (type=="raster") {
# 		"xraster"
# 	} else if (type=="line") {
# 		c("xline", "xlwd")
# 	} else if (type=="text") {
# 		c("xtext", "xtsize", "xtcol")
# 	}
# }
# get_aes_name <- function(type) {
# 	if (type=="fill") {
# 		"fill"
# 	} else if (type=="symbol") {
# 		c("symbol.size", "symbol.col", "symbol.shape")
# 	} else if (type=="raster") {
# 		"raster"
# 	} else if (type=="line") {
# 		c("line.col", "line.lwd")
# 	} else if (type=="text") {
# 		c("text", "text.size", "text.color")
# 	}
# }
# get_labels <- function(gpl, type) {
# 	var_names <- paste(type, "names", sep=".")
# 	gpl$data[[gpl[[var_names]]]]
# }

get_popups <- function(gpl, type) {
	var_names <- paste(type, "names", sep=".")
	var_vars <- paste(type, "popup.vars", sep=".")
	var_format <- paste(type, "popup.format", sep=".")
	dt <- gpl$data
	if (is.na(gpl[[var_vars]][1])) {
		popups <- NULL
	} else {
		popups <- view_format_popups(dt[[gpl[[var_names]]]], gpl[[var_vars]], gpl[[var_format]], dt[, gpl[[var_vars]], drop=FALSE])

# working_internet <- function(url = "https://www.google.com") {
# 	# test the http capabilities of the current R build
# 	if (!capabilities(what = "http/ftp")) return(FALSE)
# 	# test connection by trying to read first line of url
# 	test <- try(suppressWarnings(readLines(url, n = 1)), silent = TRUE)
# 	# return FALSE if test inherits 'try-error' class
# 	!inherits(test, "try-error")
# }
# bbx_per_line <- function(bbx) {
# 	max_lines <- 60
# 	(bbx[4] - bbx[2]) / max_lines
# }
# units_per_line <- function(bbx) {
# 	max_lines <- 60
# 	# calculate top-center to bottom-center
# 	vdist <- suppressWarnings({tmaptools::approx_distances(bbx, projection = 4326, target = "m")$vdist})
# 	vdist/max_lines
# }
# lty2dashArray <- function(lty) {
# 	numlty <- switch(lty,
# 					 solid=0,
# 					 blank=0,
# 					 # These numbers taken from ?par
# 					 dashed=c(4, 4),
# 					 dotted=c(1, 3),
# 					 dotdash=c(1, 3, 4, 3),
# 					 longdash=c(7, 3),
# 					 twodash=c(2, 2, 6, 2),
# 					 # Otherwise we're a hex string
# 					 as.numeric(as.hexmode(strsplit(lty, "")[[1]])))
# 	paste(ifelse(numlty == 0,
# 				 "none",
# 				 numlty),
# 		  collapse=",")
# }
# get_epsg_number <- function(proj) {
# 	if (inherits(proj, "crs")) {
# 		if (!is.na(proj$epsg)) {
# 			return(proj$epsg)	
# 		} else {
# 			proj <- proj$proj4string
# 		}
# 	}
# 	if (inherits(proj, "CRS")) proj <- attr(proj, "projargs")
# 	pat <- "^.*\\=epsg ?: ?(\\S*)(.*)$"
# 	epsg <- as.numeric(sub(pat, "\\1", proj[grepl(pat, proj)]))
# 	if (length(epsg)==0) NA else epsg
# }
# submit_labels <- function(labels, cls, pane, group_name, e) {
# 	layerIds <- get("layerIds", envir = e)
# 	types <- attr(layerIds, "types")
# 	groups <- attr(layerIds, "groups")
# 	labels_all <- unlist(layerIds, use.names = FALSE)
# 	pos <- length(labels_all)
# 	labels_all <- make.names(c(labels_all, labels), unique = TRUE)
# 	labels <- labels_all[(pos + 1): length(labels_all)]	
# 	labelsList <- list(labels)
# 	names(labelsList) <- pane
# 	layerIds <- c(layerIds, labelsList)
# 	#layerIds[[cls]] <- labels_all
# 	attr(layerIds, "types") <- c(types, cls)
# 	attr(layerIds, "groups") <- c(types, group_name)
# 	assign("layerIds", layerIds, envir = e)
# 	labels
# }
# paneName <- function(x) {
# 	paste0("tmap", sprintf("%03d", x))
# }
# legendName <- function(x) {
# 	paste0("legend", sprintf("%03d", x))
# }
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.