rbLib: rbLib: Ryan's convenient R functions

Description Syncing and Running R Scripts Remotely Generic Syncing Graphics Data Manipulation


The rbLib package is a collection of functions that I've written for specific projects, but which have applications that extend beyond the project that motivated their creation. They may be useful for generic tasks like transferring files, manipulating data, and plotting.

Syncing and Running R Scripts Remotely

Note that these scripts were written specifically for the case where the local system is running OSX, and the remote is Linux. For the ssh to work, you have to already have a key so that you don't need to enter a password. See HERE for how to do that.

pull to pull from server
push to push to server
run to run script on server
prp to push to a server, then run script there, then pull from it

Generic Syncing

sync similar to a push followed by a pull, except more generic in that it doesn't assume one location is remote, the two locations don't need to have same path (necessary if both are local), and includes option to exclude certain directories/ files. Never deletes files.
mirror like sync, but unidirectional and deletes files at the destination that are not present in the source.


Convenient functions for making graphs. Relies heavily on base graphics. Some functions focus on a particular aesthetic, others on creating a full figure.

add.alpha add transparency to a color
auto.mfrow automatically arrange panels in a figure
mapLegend add a color scale legend to a figure
combine_pdf combine multiple pdf files into a single pdf, pages independently sized
get.layout define layout matrix from dimensions and relative widths
polarGlyph convert x-y data into polar coordinates, add circular glyph to figure
sparklines add miniature time series at reference point in larger figure
zCol get colors from values

Data Manipulation

Basic data manipulation tools

roll.recycle a rolling window that picks up at the beginning when it reaches the end
renameNow add current date-time to a character corresponding to a file name

rBatt/rbLib documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:45 p.m.