Man pages for rOpenGov/datavaalit
Finnish Parliamentary Monitoring Toolkit for R

ConversionTableForMunicipalitiesConversionTableForMunicipalities Used to create conversion...
ConvertMunicipalityCodesConvert between municipality codes and names
ConvertMunicipalityNamesConvert municipality names into standard versions
fi.en.maakunnatfi.en.maakunnat data documentation
FindProvinceList province for each municipality in Finland.
GetEdustajaDataHakee tietyn aanestyksen tulokset edustajaittain
GetEdustajanAanestyksetHakee tietyn kansanedustajan aanestykset
GetElectionResultsPresidentti2012Load presidential election 2012 results from HS Next
GetMunicipalityInfoGet information of Finnish municipalities from Statistics...
GetMunicipalityInfoMMLGet information of Finnish municipalities from Land Survey...
GetMunicipalityInfoStatFiGet information of Finnish municipalities from Statistics...
GetParliamentVotesHakee kaikki aanestykset eduskuntarajapinnasta
GetPopulationRegisterRetrieve population register data
GetPostalCodeInfoGet Finnish postal codes vs. municipalities table from...
GetPresidentti2012Load Presidentti2012 data
GetProvinceInfoGet information of Finnish provinces.
GetVaalipiiriLoad Vaalipiiri information Useful for mapping election data...
haeHakusanallaHakee hakusanalla aanestyksia eduskuntarajapinnasta
hetuExtract information from a Finnish personal identification...
ip_locationGet geographic coordinates for a given IP-address from...
is.urlCheck if the given object is an url string
korvaa.skanditReplace special characters with standard ones.
PreprocessPresidentti2012Preprocess Presidentti2012 question data
PreprocessPresidentti2012UserDataPreprocess user answer data for HS vaalikone 2012
Presidentti2012CandidateAnswers2NumericFor Presidentti2012 candidate answers, form numerical rating...
Presidentti2012ConvertOptionsToNumericFor Presidentti2012 answers, form numerical rating in [0, 1]...
Presidentti2012GetUserDataGet user answer data for HS vaalikone 2012
Presidentti2012RateChoicesFor Presidentti2012 answers, form numerical rating (in...
Presidentti2012RetrieveAnswerTextFor Presidentti2012 answers, get answer IDs, text and rating...
ReadAllCandidatesDescription: Wrapper function for ReadCandidates that gets...
ReadAllPartiesDescription: Wrapper function for ReadParties that gets all...
ReadASCReadASC: read ASC file Routines for 3D landscape...
ReadCandidatesDescription: Function for reading in Finnish Municipal...
ReadDatavaalitLoad data sets from web service
ReadElectionDataDescription: Function for reading in Finnish Municipal...
ReadPartiesDescription: Function for reading in Finnish Municipal...
ReadXYZReadXYZ: read XYZ coordinate file Routines for 3D landscape...
sorvi-packageAlgorithmic Tools for Open Data in Finland
StripStrip string i.e. remove spaces from the beginning and end
strstripRemove spaces from a string (single string or vector/list of...
strstrip.singleRemove spaces from a single string
translationstranslations data documentation
valid.hetuValidate a Finnish personal identification number (HETU).
rOpenGov/datavaalit documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:46 p.m.