Man pages for rOpenGov/dkstat
API connection to the StatBank from Statistics Denmark.

dst_correct_urlCorrects url encoding for Danish letters.
dst_date_parseHelper function to parse the dates from the statbank.
dst_find_val_idThis is a helper function to extract the ID's in the values...
dst_get_dataThis function returns the requested data from the StatBank...
dst_get_tablesThis functions downloads all the available tables.
dst_metaThis function returns meta data for a table from StatBank...
dst_meta_parseThis function parses the JSON from the StatBank....
dst_query_matchHelper function to return ids based on text values
dst_searchThis function provides a search function for the description...
dst_value_limitThis is a helper function that returns the number of values...
rOpenGov/dkstat documentation built on Oct. 16, 2021, 5:22 a.m.