Man pages for rOpenHealth/openfda
R interface to the OpenFDA API

chain_queryPipe operator for chaining together operations.
copy_queryMake a copy of query (keeps the class).
extract_fieldFetch a (nested field) from a list or dataframe.
fda_api_keyAttach an API key to the query.
fda_countCount results from a given field.
fda_debugTurn off/on API debugging.
fda_execExecute a query.
fda_fetchFetch the given URL as JSON.
fda_filterApply a filter to a query
fda_limitSet the number of results desired by this query.
fda_plotPlot a count query.
fda_queryCreate a new query.
fda_searchFetch search results.
fda_skipSet the number of records to skip that match the search...
fda_urlReturn the URL that will be fetched for the current query.
openfdaopenfda: A package for interfacing to the OpenFDA API
rOpenHealth/openfda documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:50 p.m.