Man pages for rOpenHealth/rUN_development_reports
rUNdp: R integration with the UN development programme API

all_undp_tablesGet all tables from the API
content_to_dfConverts to data frame even with missing columns
fieldNameConvert Socrata human-readable column name to field name
isFourByFourChecks the validity of the syntax for a potential Socrata...
logMsgTime-stamped message
posixifyConvert Socrata calendar_date string to POSIX
read.socrataGet a full Socrata data set as an R data frame
rUNdprUNdp, R integration with the UN development programme API...
validateUrlConvert, if necessary, URL to valid REST API URL supported by...
rOpenHealth/rUN_development_reports documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:51 p.m.