knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


Dale, R. & Bhat, H. S. (in press). Equations of mind: Data science for inferring nonlinear dynamics of socio-cognitive systems. Cognitive Systems Research.

Taking the simulation of two-attractor well decision making described in Dale and Bhat, we inject noise and demonstrate that SINDy becomes highly unstable.


logistic_sindy = function(trials=100,noise=0,more.complex=F) {
  # for GOF tests, here's a desired fit from the Tuller et al. model (Duran & Dale)
  B.expected = matrix(0,nrow=10,ncol=2)
  B.expected[2,1] = 1 # these coefs are only for the "non complex" model
  B.expected[2,2] = -1
  B.expected[3,2] = 2
  B.expected[10,2] = -1

  rmses = c()
  deets = c()
  for (i in 1:trials) { # let it go for 100 trials
    x_trial = c()
    x = 0
    k = runif(1)-.5 # choose a random tilt
    x_sum = 0
    for (j in 1:1000) { # let it take at most 1000 cycles to settle
      x_trial = rbind(x_trial,data.frame(k=k,x=x,x_sum=x_sum,j=j)) # store this trial
      if (more.complex) {
        x = x + (-k + x + x^2 - x^3) + noise*(rnorm(1)) # note the additional term x^2
      } else {
        x = x + (-k + x - x^3) + noise*(rnorm(1)) # add noise, increment by model
      x_sum = x_sum + x

      if (abs(x_sum)>20) { 
        break; # did it reach threshold? if so, done and exit


    deets = rbind(deets,x_trial)
  non.zeros = dx[,2]!=0&xs[,2]!=0
  sindy.obj = sindy(xs=xs[non.zeros,1:2],dx=dx[non.zeros,1:2],lambda=.6,B.expected=B.expected)

# let's rerun the simulation here
rmses = c()
set.seed(666) # to reproduce exact figs
for (noise in seq(from=0,to=2,length=50)) { # noise level varies
  sindy.obj = logistic_sindy(noise=noise)
  rmses = rbind(rmses, data.frame(noise=noise,rmse=sindy.obj$B.err))
# plot the error by noise level... 

When we increase the number of trials collected, it helps overcome the problem of noise.

# let's rerun the simulation here
rmses = c()
for (trials in seq(from=50,to=500,length=20)) { # noise level varies
  set.seed(trials) # to reproduce exact figs
  sindy.obj = logistic_sindy(trials=trials,noise=1.5)
  rmses = rbind(rmses, data.frame(trials=trials,rmse=sindy.obj$B.err))
# plot the error by noise level... 
plot(rmses$trials,rmses$rmse,type='b',xlab='Number trials',ylab='RMSE')

SINDy can be used as a relative estimation of model complexity though, and here, despite noise, it can work quite well. Belowe implement two versions of this attractor-well model. Both contain the same level of noise, but one is more complex -- invoking a second term (x^2) in the update equation. The complexity of recovered equations strongly echoes the underlying complexity of the generating system. This suggests that SINDy may be used for relative measures of system complexity, not just absolute interpretations from exact recovery.

complexities = c()
noise = 1.5 # set a high noise level, judging from the above simulation

for (iter in 1:100) {

  set.seed(iter) # seed start the same for each condition
  B = logistic_sindy(noise=noise)$B # get coefficients only for this demo
  complexities = rbind(complexities, data.frame(iter=iter,noise=noise,expected=4,complexity=sum(B!=0))) # store data for this run

  set.seed(iter) # seed start the same for each condition
  B = logistic_sindy(noise=noise,more.complex=T)$B # get coefficients only for this demo  
  complexities = rbind(complexities, data.frame(iter=iter,noise=noise,expected=5,complexity=sum(B!=0))) # store data for this more complex run


boxplot(jitter(complexity)~as.factor(expected),data=complexities,ylab='Coefficients (with jitter)',xlab='Expected coefficients')

racdale/sindyr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 12:20 p.m.