Man pages for rachelwarnock/fbdR
Calculate Birth and Death Rates

attachment.timesIdentify asymmetric attachment ages and extinction times in...
bd.probability.extantBirth-death probability (Stadler, 2012)
bd.probability.rangeBirth-death probability (Keiding, 1975)
boundary.crosser.ratesCalculate speciation and extinction rates using the boundary...
boundary.crosser.rates.paCalculate speciation and extinction rates using the boundary... likelihood estimation of birth and death rates for a... likelihood estimation of birth and death rates for a... likelihood estimation of birth and death rates for a...
fbd.likelihood.estMaximum likelihood estimation of birth, death and sampling...
fbd.probabilityFBD probability
fetch.descendantsFetch descendant lineages in a symmetric tree
first.last.appearancesWork out first and last appearances
first.last.appearances.paWork out first and last appearance intervals
gap.filler.ratesCalculate speciation and extinction rates using the...
interval.types.3tCategorise per interval taxon types using the three-timer...
interval.types.bcCategorise per interval taxon types using boundary crosser...
interval.types.bc.paCategorise per interval taxon types using boundary crosser...
interval.types.gfCategorise per interval taxon types using the gap-filler...
presence.absence.matrixGenerate presence/absence matrix from simulated data
presence.absence.precookedPrecooked presence absence matrix
stagesGeological stages
three.timer.ratesCalculate speciation and extinction rates using the...
uncorrected.ratesCalculate speciation and extinction rates using the...
rachelwarnock/fbdR documentation built on Aug. 23, 2019, 3:39 a.m.