Man pages for radchukv/adRes
Assessing Whether Phenotypic Changes in Response to Climate are Adaptive

adRes-packageAssessing whether phenotypic changes in response to climate...
compute_adaptationCompute the necessary information for testing adaptation
compute_WMSCompute the Weighted Mean Selection (WMS) gradient
dat_AllUnique values of selection differentials, traits and climatic...
dat_ClimValues of climatic variable for each year per study in the...
dat_Clim_prcValues of climatic variable for each year per study in the...
dat_SelValues of selection differentials for each year per study
dat_TraitTrait values per year per study in the PRCS dataset
dat_Trait_prcTrait values per year per study in the PRC dataset
extract_effectsExtract the effect sizes and their standard errors from the...
extract_effects_all_idsFit model on each study, for a given condition, and extract...
fit_allGet global effect size and its standard error as well as...
fit_cond_idFit a single mixed-effects model to test a given condition...
fit_metaFit a meta-analytical model to extract global effect sizes...
fit_modelFit the model for a given study id
get_heterogenGet metrics of heterogeneity
get_stat_effsizesExtracts statistics of interest or effect sizes for a...
info_packageProvide some basic information about the code of the package
merge_3slopesMerges all three slopes by the respective data attributes
merge_two_dataMerge two datasets into a single, PRC (Phenotypic Responses...
parameters_definitionDefine parameters for all functions
pipePipe operator
plot_abund_effectsProduce a forest plot, which for each study shows the effect...
plot_eff_dur_firstYPlots slopes of temperature vs. the duration of the studies...
plot_forestProduce a forest plot with effect sizes for each study id in...
plot_funnelPlots a funnel plot for the inspection of the potential...
plot_per_idPlot data and fitted model per each study id
plot_rawPlot raw data and the fitted model for the selected set of...
plot_sel_per_idPlot selection data and WMS per each study id
plot_slopes_productsA plot of the product of slopes from testing the two first...
prepare_coloursCreate the colours for the forest plots
prepare_dataSubsets the dataset according to the climatic variable and...
prepare_data_plotPrepare the data for the forest plots
prepare_labelsCreate the labels for the forest plots
prepare_slopesPrepare the slopes for the forest plots
prepare_xlabsCreate the x-axis labels for the forest plots
reexportsExport functions
save_xlsxSave a table in the *.xlsx format
tab_efSizes_ST1Produces a table with summary statistics for the specified...
tab_efSizes_ST4Produces a table with summary statistics for the models...
tab_heterogProduces a table with the heterogeneity metrics for the...
tab_LRT_ST2Produces a table with LRT statistics and variation due to...
tab_LRT_ST5Produces a table with LRT statistics and variation due to...
radchukv/adRes documentation built on June 1, 2019, 7:05 p.m.