Man pages for radiant-rstats/radiant.multivariate
Multivariate Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny

carpetCarpet cleaners
cityCity distances
city2City distances 2
clean_loadingsSort and clean loadings
computerPerceptions of computer (re)sellers
conjointConjoint analysis
full_factorFactor analysis (PCA)
hclusHierarchical cluster analysis
mds(Dis)similarity based brand maps (MDS)
movieConjoint data for Movie theaters
mp3Conjoint data for MP3 players
plot.conjointPlot method for the conjoint function
plot.full_factorPlot method for the full_factor function
plot.hclusPlot method for the hclus function
plot.kclusPlot method for kclus
plot.mdsPlot method for the mds function
plot.pre_factorPlot method for the pre_factor function
plot.prmapPlot method for the prmap function
predict.conjointPredict method for the conjoint function
predict_conjoint_byPredict method for the conjoint function when a by variables...
pre_factorEvaluate if data are appropriate for PCA / Factor analysis
print.conjoint.predictPrint method for predict.conjoint
prmapAttribute based brand maps
radiant.multivariate_viewerLaunch radiant.multivariate in the Rstudio viewer
radiant.multivariate_windowLaunch radiant.multivariate in an Rstudio window
retailersPerceptions of retailers
shoppingShopping attitudes
store.conjointStore method for the Multivariate > Conjoint tab
store.conjoint.predictStore predicted values generated in predict.conjoint
store.full_factorStore factor scores to active dataset
store.hclusAdd a cluster membership variable to the active dataset
store.kclusAdd a cluster membership variable to the active dataset
summary.conjointSummary method for the conjoint function
summary.full_factorSummary method for the full_factor function
summary.hclusSummary method for the hclus function
summary.kclusSummary method for kclus
summary.mdsSummary method for the mds function
summary.pre_factorSummary method for the pre_factor function
summary.prmapSummary method for the prmap function
the_tableFunction to calculate the PW and IW table for conjoint
toothpasteToothpaste attitudes
tpbrandsToothpaste brands
radiant-rstats/radiant.multivariate documentation built on May 20, 2024, 6:46 a.m.