distill_article: R Markdown format for Distill articles

View source: R/distill_article.R

distill_articleR Documentation

R Markdown format for Distill articles


Scientific and technical writing, native to the web.


  toc = FALSE,
  toc_depth = 3,
  toc_float = TRUE,
  fig_width = 6.5,
  fig_height = 4,
  fig_retina = 2,
  fig_caption = TRUE,
  dev = "png",
  smart = TRUE,
  code_folding = FALSE,
  self_contained = TRUE,
  highlight = "default",
  highlight_downlit = TRUE,
  mathjax = "default",
  extra_dependencies = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  css = NULL,
  includes = NULL,
  keep_md = FALSE,
  lib_dir = NULL,
  md_extensions = NULL,
  pandoc_args = NULL,



TRUE to include a table of contents in the output


Depth of headers to include in table of contents


Float the table of contents to the left when the article is displayed at widths > 1000px. If set to FALSE or the width is less than 1000px the table of contents will be placed above the article body.


Default width (in inches) for figures


Default height (in inches) for figures


Scaling to perform for retina displays (defaults to 2, which currently works for all widely used retina displays). Set to NULL to prevent retina scaling. Note that this will always be NULL when keep_md is specified (this is because fig_retina relies on outputting HTML directly into the markdown document).


TRUE to render figures with captions


Graphics device to use for figure output (defaults to png)


Produce typographically correct output, converting straight quotes to curly quotes, ⁠---⁠ to em-dashes, ⁠--⁠ to en-dashes, and ... to ellipses.


Include code blocks hidden, and allow users to optionally display the code by clicking a "Show code" button just above the output. Pass a character vector to customize the text of the "Show code" button. You can also specify code_folding as chunk option for per-chunk folding behavior.


Produce a standalone HTML file with no external dependencies, using data: URIs to incorporate the contents of linked scripts, stylesheets, images, and videos. Note that even for self contained documents MathJax is still loaded externally (this is necessary because of its size).


Syntax highlighting style. Supported styles include "default", "rstudio", "tango", "pygments", "kate", "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn", "breezedark", and "haddock". Pass NULL to prevent syntax highlighting.


Use the downlit package to highlight R code (including providing hyperlinks to function documentation).


Include mathjax. The "default" option uses an https URL from a MathJax CDN. The "local" option uses a local version of MathJax (which is copied into the output directory). You can pass an alternate URL or pass NULL to exclude MathJax entirely.


Extra dependencies as a list of the html_dependency class objects typically generated by htmltools:htmlDependency().


CSS file with theme variable definitions


CSS and/or Sass files to include. Files with an extension of .sass or .scss are compiled to CSS via sass::sass().


Named list of additional content to include within the document (typically created using the includes function).


Keep the markdown file generated by knitting.


Directory to copy dependent HTML libraries (e.g. jquery, bootstrap, etc.) into. By default this will be the name of the document with _files appended to it.


Markdown extensions to be added or removed from the default definition of R Markdown. See the rmarkdown_format for additional details.


Additional command line options to pass to pandoc


Additional function arguments to pass to the base R Markdown HTML output formatter html_document_base


Distill articles feature attractive, reader-friendly typography, flexible layout options for visualizations, and full support for footnotes and citations.

radixpub/radix-r documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 11:21 a.m.