
# SF Configuration file <- 'GeoMac'  # A friendly name for metadata and the output name
inname <- "2004_perimeters_dd83"
inpath <- "./InputData/GeoMac"
outpath <- "./InputData/Tranche1"

# How the SF standard fields should be calculated.  These are
# passed to mutate()
AREA <- "acres"
START <- "as.Date("
END <- "as.Date(perim_date, format='%Y/%m/%d')"
TYPE <- "'WF'"
NAME <- "fire_name"
SOURCE <- "'GeoMac'"
ID <- "as.character(ID)"

# The date and fire name fields are not always the same in geomac files
DATEFIELD <- quo(perim_date)
NAMEFIELD <- quo(firename)
raffscallion/RSF3 documentation built on May 26, 2019, 9:51 p.m.