Man pages for raikens1/RACplots
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

AC_filter_plotAssignment-Control Filter Plot
AC_match_plotAssignment-Control plot with matching overlayed
AC_plotAssignment-Control Plot
AR_filter_plotAssignment-Randomization Filter Plot
AR_match_plotAssignment-Randomization plot with matching overlayed
AR_plotAssignment-Randomization plot
CR_filter_plotControl-Randomization Filter Plot
CR_match_plotControl-Randomization plot with matching overlayed
CR_plotControl-Randomization plot
generate_dataGenerate simulated data
generate_data_IVGenerate Simulated IV data
generate_data_IV_xSITAGenerate Simulated IV data - with a SITA violation
generate_rd_dataGenerate simulated data for RD design
generate_xSITA_dataGenerate simulated data with a SITA violation
pipePipe operator
propensity_histogramPropensity Score Histogram
raikens1/RACplots documentation built on July 10, 2021, 11:08 a.m.