Man pages for ramey/sparsediscrim
Sparse and Regularized Discriminant Analysis

center_dataCenters the observations in a matrix by their respective...
cov_autocorrelationGenerates a p \times p autocorrelated covariance matrix
cov_block_autocorrelationGenerates a p \times p block-diagonal covariance matrix with...
cov_eigenComputes the eigenvalue decomposition of the maximum...
cov_intraclassGenerates a p \times p intraclass covariance matrix
cov_listComputes the covariance-matrix maximum likelihood estimators...
cov_mleComputes the maximum likelihood estimator for the sample...
cov_poolComputes the pooled maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for...
cov_shrink_diagComputes a shrunken version of the maximum likelihood...
cv_partitionRandomly partitions data for cross-validation.
diag_estimatesComputes estimates and ancillary information for diagonal...
dldaDiagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis (DLDA)
dmvnorm_diagComputes multivariate normal density with a diagonal...
dqdaDiagonal Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (DQDA)
generate_blockdiagGenerates data from 'K' multivariate normal data populations,...
generate_intraclassGenerates data from 'K' multivariate normal data populations,...
hBias correction function from Pang et al. (2009).
hdrdaHigh-Dimensional Regularized Discriminant Analysis (HDRDA)
hdrda_cvHelper function to optimize the HDRDA classifier via...
lda_pseudoLinear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) with the Moore-Penrose...
lda_schaferLinear Discriminant Analysis using the Schafer-Strimmer...
lda_thomazLinear Discriminant Analysis using the Thomaz-Kitani-Gillies...
log_determinantComputes the log determinant of a matrix.
mdebThe Minimum Distance Empirical Bayesian Estimator (MDEB)...
mdmebThe Minimum Distance Rule using Modified Empirical Bayes...
mdmpThe Minimum Distance Rule using Moore-Penrose Inverse (MDMP)...
no_interceptRemoves the intercept term from a formula if it is included
plot.hdrda_cvPlots a heatmap of cross-validation error grid for a HDRDA...
posterior_probsComputes posterior probabilities via Bayes Theorem under...
print.dldaOutputs the summary for a DLDA classifier object.
print.dqdaOutputs the summary for a DQDA classifier object.
print.hdrdaOutputs the summary for a HDRDA classifier object.
print.lda_pseudoOutputs the summary for a lda_pseudo classifier object.
print.lda_schaferOutputs the summary for a lda_schafer classifier object.
print.lda_thomazOutputs the summary for a lda_thomaz classifier object.
print.mdebOutputs the summary for a MDEB classifier object.
print.mdmebOutputs the summary for a MDMEB classifier object.
print.mdmpOutputs the summary for a MDMP classifier object.
print.sdldaOutputs the summary for a SDLDA classifier object.
print.sdqdaOutputs the summary for a SDQDA classifier object.
print.smdldaOutputs the summary for a SmDLDA classifier object.
print.smdqdaOutputs the summary for a SmDQDA classifier object.
quadformQuadratic form of a matrix and a vector
quadform_invQuadratic Form of the inverse of a matrix and a vector
rda_covCalculates the RDA covariance-matrix estimators for each...
rda_weightsComputes the observation weights for each class for the HDRDA...
regdiscrim_estimatesComputes estimates and ancillary information for regularized...
risk_steinStein Risk function from Pang et al. (2009).
sdldaShrinkage-based Diagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis (SDLDA)
sdqdaShrinkage-based Diagonal Quadratic Discriminant Analysis...
smdldaShrinkage-mean-based Diagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis...
smdqdaShrinkage-mean-based Diagonal Quadratic Discriminant Analysis...
solve_cholComputes the inverse of a symmetric, positive-definite matrix...
tong_mean_shrinkageTong et al. (2012)'s Lindley-type Shrunken Mean Estimator
update_hdrdaHelper function to update tuning parameters for the HDRDA...
var_shrinkageShrinkage-based estimator of variances for each feature from...
ramey/sparsediscrim documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:05 p.m.