Man pages for ramhiser/clusteval
Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms

adjusted_randComputes the adjusted Rand similarity index of two...
boot_omitCreates a list of indices for a stratified nonparametric...
cluster_similarityComputes the similarity between two clusterings of the same...
clustevalEvaluation of Clustering Algorithms
clustomitClustOmit - Cluster Stability Evaluation via Cluster Omission
comembershipCalculates the comemberships of all pairs of a vector of...
comembership_tableCalculates the 2x2 contingency table of agreements and...
diceComputes the Dice similarity index of two clusterings of the...
figure_of_meritFigure of Merit Method for Estimating the Predictive Power of...
fowlkes_mallowsComputes the Fowlkes-Mallows similarity index of two...
intraclass_covConstructs an intraclass covariance matrix.
jaccardComputes the Jaccard similarity coefficient of two...
phiComputes the Phi coefficient of two clusterings of the same...
randComputes the Rand similarity index of two clusterings of the...
random_clusteringRandomly cluster a data set into K clusters.
rogers_tanimotoComputes the Rogers-Tanimoto similarity of two clusterings of...
russel_raoComputes the Russel-Rao similarity of two clusterings of the...
sample_vectorWrapper function to sample from a vector without any...
sim_dataWrapper function to generate data from a variety of...
similarity_methodsBrief description of all similarity functions in the...
sim_normalGenerates random variates from multivariate normal...
sim_studentGenerates random variates from multivariate Student's t...
sim_unifGenerates random variates from multivariate uniform...
sokal_sneathComputes the Sokal-Sneath similarity of two clusterings of...
variation_informationComputes the Variation of Information distance between two...
ramhiser/clusteval documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:07 p.m.