Man pages for ramnathv/intellidate
Intelligent parsing and formatting of dates in R

guess_date_formatGuesses the format of a date in a string.
guess_datetime_formatGuess strptime format of a date time string
guess_time_formatGuesses the strptime format of a time string
join_regexConstructs a regex union based on a vector of values
ordinalConverts a number to its ordinal equivalent (e.g. 12 => 12th)
pattern_replaceReplaces a regex pattern with a strftime token
split_datetime_stringSplits a date time string using regex operators from the...
stampStamp a date time object based on format of a string
tokens_matchedReturns strftime tokens already matched in a given string
vec_switchVectorized version of the switch statement
ramnathv/intellidate documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:14 p.m.