State Bin

This is an alpha version of tool to create interactive state bin maps. It has an R API as well as a javascript API.


You can install rcstatebin from github.

install_github(c('ramnathv/htmlwidgets', 'ramnathv/rcstatebin'))


Let us start by recreating some analysis done by on where states get their taxes from. You can create an interactive statebin chart with just one line of code, using the formula interface.

```{r eval = F} library(rcstatebin) statebin(taxdata, share ~ state | description, control = 'dropdown')

Alternately, you can also use a more traditional syntax.

statebin(data = taxdata,
  x = "state",
  y = "share",
  facet = "description",
  heading =  "<b>Where do your state's taxes come from?</b>",
  footer = "<small>Source: Census <a href=''>(Data)</a>",
  colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, 'PuRd'),
  control = 'dropdown'


If you prefer hexagons instead of rectangles, you can pass type = "hex".

statebin(taxdata, share ~ state | description, control = 'dropdown', type = "hex")


Javascript API

I built d3statebin using a modular approach following the reusable chart guidelines outlined by Mike Bostock

mystatemap = statemap()


Thanks are due to all these folks below, for building great components were used to create d3statebin

  1. [Mike Bostock] for D3.js
  2. [Elijah Meeks] for d3.svg.legend
  3. [Gregor Aisch] for d3-jetpack
  4. Justin Palmer for d3-tip

ramnathv/rcstatebin documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:15 p.m.