
Simplifying Function Arguments

I want to keep the user interface part of slidify reasonably simple. One way to do this is to redefine slidify to

slidify = function(source, options = getOptions(slidify.options)){

And then use the trick from the markdown package

slidifyOptions <- function(){
  c(framework = 'html5slides', highlighter = 'R', theme = 'web-2.0', 
    transition = 'horizontal-slide', histyle = 'acid')

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
  if (is.null(getOption('slidify.options'))){
    options(slidify.options = slidifyOptions())

I can rewrite the code such that if there is a slidify.yml file in the working directory, then the options are read from it, instead of using the defaults.

ramnathv/slidify-old documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:55 p.m.