Backup Slides

..article: file


Reproducible HTML Slides

Check Python Code Highlighting

import landslide
class MyMacro(Macro):
   def process(self, content, source=None):
     return content + '<p>plop</p>', ['plopped_slide'] 
 g = generator.Generator(source='')
print g.render()

Interpret the Histogram

..article: fill

require(lattice); require(latticeExtra)
trellis.par.set(theme = theEconomist.theme(box = 'transparent'))
qplot(wt, data = mtcars, binwidth = I(1)) +
 xlab('Weight of Car (lb)') + ylab('Miles Per Gallon')

..article: fill

qplot(waiting, data = faithful) 

Google Charts

require(googleVis); require(hwriter)
pie1 <- gvisPieChart(CityPopularity)
print(pie1, 'chart')


Why Should You Learn R?

Use RStudio

..article: fill


The objective of slidify is to make it super easy for a HTML novice to generate crisp looking HTML5 presentations, while at the same time providing options for the power user to customize the look and feel of the slides.

The source file is written in R Markdown. It is transformed into an HTML5 slide deck using a set of mustache templates and R packages whisker and markdown.

At the heart of it is the function slidify. The arguments accepted by Rmd2html are:

Please consult deck.js documentation for further details on supported themes and transitions


slidify is designed to make it very easy for a HTML novice to generate a crisp, visually appealing HTML5 slide deck. You can do it in just three steps!

  1. Write your source file in R Markdown
  2. Separate your slides using a horizontal rule ---
  3. Run slidify("slides.Rmd") to generate your slide deck.

ramnathv/slidify-old documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:55 p.m.