Man pages for ranghetti/sen2rts
Build and Analyse Sentinel-2 Time Series

aggregate_phenoTemporally aggregate time series values
assign_seasonFilter phenological cycles
cfSample curve fitting interpolation
cut_cyclesCut cycles
detect_foragesDetect forages
dt_cyclesSample seasonal cycles
dt_phenoSample phenological metrics dataset
extract_phenoExtract phenological metrics
extract_s2tsExtract time series from sen2r archives
fakeFitCovert a 'zoo' into a '{phenopix}' format
fill_s2tsFill not equally-spaced time series
fit_curveFit curve over cycles
load_s2pathsLoad raster paths or data cube from a sen2r archive
plotPlot 's2ts' object
s2_dop_simplSimplified 'sen2r::s2_dop()' for internal use
s2tsClass 's2ts'
samplecropsBoundaries of the sample crops used in the vignette "The...
sample_pathsPaths of the rasters used in documentation examples
sampleroiSample areas used in documentation examples
scl_weightsBuild SCL weights
smooth_s2tsFilter and smooth time series from sen2r archives
st_poiExtract phenological metrics
st_warp_fixingExtract phenological metrics
ts_filledSample daily time series
ts_rawSample raw time series
ts_smoothedSample smoothed time series
w_savgolSavitzky-Golay filter for not equally-spaced weighted data
ranghetti/sen2rts documentation built on March 31, 2024, 1:18 a.m.