extract_s2ts: Extract time series from sen2r archives

View source: R/extract_s2ts.R

extract_s2tsR Documentation

Extract time series from sen2r archives


Extract time series from a Sentinel-2 data archive (created with the package sen2r) over spatial features (points or polygons). Quality flags can be added exploiting an additional extracted archive (see arguments scl_paths and cld_paths).


  fun = "mean",
  fun_w = "mean"



Paths of the sen2r files (eventually obtained using read_in_cube(..., out_format = "path")).


Object with polygonal or point geometries


(optional) aggregation function (or function name) to be used in case of polygonal in_sf features. Default is mean. If scl_paths and/or cld_paths are defined:

  • the default mean is intended as weighted.mean() (where the computed quality flags are used as weights);

  • only the alternative value "best" is accepted (in this case, the pixel with the higher quality flag - or the average of pixels with the same higher quality flags - is considered).


(optional) character vector corresponding to the name/names of the in_sf column with the features IDs. If missing, the row number is used.


(optional) Paths of the SCL files (they must correspond to in_paths); if provided, it is used to weight pixels during the aggregation and to provide an output quality flag. See details for the conversion between SCL and weights.


(optional) Paths of the CLD files (they must correspond to in_paths); see scl_paths. See details for the conversion between SCL and weights.


(optional) weights to be used for each SCL class, which can be created using function scl_weights(). If missing, the default outputs of scl_weights() are used. See details for the conversion between SCL and weights.


(optional) function to be used to aggregate quality flags in case of polygonal in_sf features. Default is mean.


To generate pixel weights, SCL and/or CLD layers can be used.

SCL are categorical layers (12 levels), so each level must be converted in a 0-1 numeric value. This is done by function scl_weights(). If the user provides only scl_paths, the layer of weights will be a 0-1 numeric layer in which each pixel value corresponds to the 0-1 value associated with the corresponding SCL class.

CLD are integer layers with the percentage (0-100) of cloud probability. Assumed that a CLD of 0% is associated to a weight of 1 and a CLD of 100% to a weight of 0, intermediate values are computed taking into account the output of scl_weights() for classes "cloud_high_probability", "cloud_medium_probability" and "unclassified" (this because CLD values are in the range 80-100 when associated to the SCL class "cloud_high_probability", in the range 20-80 when associated to "cloud_medium_probability" and in the range 20-80 when associated to "unclassified" or "thin_cirrus"). The two values "cloud_medium_probability" - "cloud_high_probability" and "unclassified" - "cloud_medium_probability" are taken as breaks to reclassify CLD. I.e., consider the default case: scl_weights()[c("cloud_high_probability", "cloud_medium_probability", "unclassified")] returns ⁠0.0 0.1 0.5⁠; so, breaks 0.05 and 0.35 are used, meaning that CLD values in the range 80-100% are rescaled to 0-0.05, CLD values in the range 20-80% are rescaled to 0.05-0.35 and CLD values in the range 80-100% are rescaled to 0.35-1. If the user provides only cld_paths, the layer of weights will be a 0-1 numeric layer with the above described values.

Finally, if the user provides both scl_paths and cld_paths, the two layers of weights are combined and the lowest quality flag is considered.


The output time series in s2ts format.


Luigi Ranghetti, PhD (2020) luigi@ranghetti.info


# Load input data
sen2r_ndvi_paths <- sample_paths("NDVI")
sen2r_scl_paths <- sample_paths("SCL")

# Simple TS extraction from polygons (without quality flags)
ts_raw_0 <- extract_s2ts(sen2r_ndvi_paths, sampleroi)
print(ts_raw_0, topn = 5)

# TS extraction from polygons using a SCL archive for quality flags
# (example used to produce the sample dataset "ts_raw")
ts_raw <- extract_s2ts(
  scl_paths = sen2r_scl_paths
ts_raw$value <- ts_raw$value / 1E4 # reshape to standard NDVI range -1 to 1
print(ts_raw, topn = 5) # standard print
head(as.data.frame(ts_raw)) # see content

# TS extraction from polygons using a different aggregation function
ts_raw_2 <- extract_s2ts(sen2r_ndvi_paths, sampleroi, fun = "max")

# TS extraction from points
samplepts <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_centroid(sampleroi))
ts_raw_3 <- extract_s2ts(sen2r_ndvi_paths, samplepts)

ranghetti/sen2rts documentation built on March 31, 2024, 1:18 a.m.