#' @title Extract time series from sen2r archives
#' @description Extract time series from a Sentinel-2 data archive
#' (created with the package `sen2r`) over spatial features (points or
#' polygons). Quality flags can be added exploiting an additional
#' extracted archive (see arguments `scl_paths` and `cld_paths`).
#' @param in_paths Paths of the `sen2r` files (eventually obtained using
#' `read_in_cube(..., out_format = "path")`).
#' @param in_sf Object with polygonal or point geometries
#' @param fun (optional) aggregation function (or function name)
#' to be used in case of polygonal `in_sf` features. Default is `mean`.
#' If `scl_paths` and/or `cld_paths` are defined:
#' - the default `mean` is intended as `weighted.mean()` (where the computed
#' quality flags are used as weights);
#' - only the alternative value `"best"` is accepted (in this case, the pixel
#' with the higher quality flag - or the average of pixels with the same
#' higher quality flags - is considered).
#' @param in_sf_id (optional) character vector corresponding to the name/names
#' of the `in_sf` column with the features IDs.
#' If missing, the row number is used.
#' @param scl_paths (optional) Paths of the SCL files (they must correspond
#' to `in_paths`); if provided, it is used to weight pixels
#' during the aggregation and to provide an output quality flag.
#' See details for the conversion between SCL and weights.
#' @param cld_paths (optional) Paths of the CLD files (they must correspond
#' to `in_paths`); see `scl_paths`.
#' See details for the conversion between SCL and weights.
#' @param scl_w (optional) weights to be used for each SCL class,
#' which can be created using function `scl_weights()`.
#' If missing, the default outputs of `scl_weights()` are used.
#' See details for the conversion between SCL and weights.
#' @param fun_w (optional) function to be used to aggregate quality flags
#' in case of polygonal `in_sf` features. Default is `mean`.
#' @return The output time series in `s2ts` format.
#' @details To generate pixel weights, SCL and/or CLD layers can be used.
#' SCL are categorical layers (12 levels), so each level must be converted
#' in a 0-1 numeric value. This is done by function `scl_weights()`.
#' If the user provides only `scl_paths`, the layer of weights will be a
#' 0-1 numeric layer in which each pixel value corresponds to the 0-1 value
#' associated with the corresponding SCL class.
#' CLD are integer layers with the percentage (0-100) of cloud probability.
#' Assumed that a CLD of 0% is associated to a weight of 1 and a CLD of 100%
#' to a weight of 0, intermediate values are computed taking into account
#' the output of `scl_weights()` for classes `"cloud_high_probability"`,
#' `"cloud_medium_probability"` and `"unclassified"`
#' (this because CLD values are in the range 80-100 when associated to the SCL
#' class `"cloud_high_probability"`, in the range 20-80 when associated to
#' `"cloud_medium_probability"` and in the range 20-80 when associated to
#' `"unclassified"` or `"thin_cirrus"`).
#' The two values `"cloud_medium_probability" - "cloud_high_probability"`
#' and `"unclassified" - "cloud_medium_probability"` are taken as breaks
#' to reclassify CLD.
#' I.e., consider the default case:
#' `scl_weights()[c("cloud_high_probability", "cloud_medium_probability", "unclassified")]`
#' returns `0.0 0.1 0.5`; so, breaks `0.05` and `0.35` are used, meaning that
#' CLD values in the range 80-100% are rescaled to 0-0.05,
#' CLD values in the range 20-80% are rescaled to 0.05-0.35 and
#' CLD values in the range 80-100% are rescaled to 0.35-1.
#' If the user provides only `cld_paths`, the layer of weights will be a
#' 0-1 numeric layer with the above described values.
#' Finally, if the user provides both `scl_paths` and `cld_paths`, the two
#' layers of weights are combined and the lowest quality flag is considered.
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, PhD (2020) \email{luigi@@ranghetti.info}
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom sen2r raster_metadata sen2r_getElements
#' @importFrom sf gdal_utils st_as_sfc st_bbox st_buffer st_crs st_intersection
#' st_sf st_transform
#' @importFrom stars read_stars st_get_dimension_values st_set_dimensions st_warp
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load input data
#' data("sampleroi")
#' sen2r_ndvi_paths <- sample_paths("NDVI")
#' sen2r_scl_paths <- sample_paths("SCL")
#' \donttest{
#' # Simple TS extraction from polygons (without quality flags)
#' ts_raw_0 <- extract_s2ts(sen2r_ndvi_paths, sampleroi)
#' print(ts_raw_0, topn = 5)
#' }
#' # TS extraction from polygons using a SCL archive for quality flags
#' # (example used to produce the sample dataset "ts_raw")
#' ts_raw <- extract_s2ts(
#' sen2r_ndvi_paths,
#' sampleroi,
#' scl_paths = sen2r_scl_paths
#' )
#' ts_raw$value <- ts_raw$value / 1E4 # reshape to standard NDVI range -1 to 1
#' print(ts_raw, topn = 5) # standard print
#' head(as.data.frame(ts_raw)) # see content
#' plot(ts_raw)
#' \donttest{
#' # TS extraction from polygons using a different aggregation function
#' ts_raw_2 <- extract_s2ts(sen2r_ndvi_paths, sampleroi, fun = "max")
#' # TS extraction from points
#' samplepts <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_centroid(sampleroi))
#' ts_raw_3 <- extract_s2ts(sen2r_ndvi_paths, samplepts)
#' }
extract_s2ts <- function(
fun = "mean",
fun_w = "mean"
) {
# Avoid check notes for data.table related variables
sensing_date <- value <- NULL
## Check arguments ----
if (all(
any(!missing(scl_paths), !missing(cld_paths)),
!inherits(fun, "character") || !fun %in% c("best", "mean")
)) {
type = "warning",
"Argument 'fun' can only take values 'mean' and 'best' when ",
"scl_paths and/or cld_paths are defined."
# check bbox format
if (inherits(in_sf, "sfc")) {
in_sf <- st_sf(in_sf)
} else if (!inherits(in_sf, "sf")) {
type = "error",
"'in_sf' must be an object of class 'sf' or 'sfc'."
# check in_sf_id
if (missing(in_sf_id)) {
in_sf$row_id <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(in_sf)))
in_sf_id <- "row_id"
} else if (!in_sf_id %in% names(in_sf)) {
type = "error",
"'in_sf_id' must correspond to a column name of 'in_sf'."
} else {
in_sf <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
"summarise(group_by(in_sf, ",in_sf_id,"))"
# if ID is a numeric, convert to text
if (inherits(in_sf[[in_sf_id]], c("integer","numeric"))) {
in_sf[[in_sf_id]] <- as.character(in_sf[[in_sf_id]])
## Read in_paths ----
## Obtain rasterIO from in_sf
# read grid metadata
in_meta <- sen2r_getElements(in_paths)
inraster_meta <- raster_metadata(in_paths[1], format = "list")[[1]]
# TODO check inputs integrity (now the first one is taken as reference)
# reproject
if (st_crs(in_sf) != inraster_meta$proj) {
in_sf <- st_transform(in_sf, inraster_meta$proj)
# check bbox format
in_bbox <- st_bbox(suppressWarnings(st_intersection(
in_RasterIO <- list(
nXOff = ceiling((in_bbox$xmin - inraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / inraster_meta$res["x"]) + 1,
nYOff = ceiling((inraster_meta$bbox$ymax - in_bbox$ymax) / inraster_meta$res["y"]) + 1
in_RasterIO$nXSize = ceiling((in_bbox$xmax - inraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / inraster_meta$res["x"]) - in_RasterIO$nXOff + 1
in_RasterIO$nYSize = ceiling((inraster_meta$bbox$ymax - in_bbox$ymin) / inraster_meta$res["y"]) - in_RasterIO$nYOff + 1
## Pass through a VRT
# (to avoid error "")
source = in_paths,
destination = vrt_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".vrt"),
options = c(
"-resolution", "highest"
quiet = TRUE
## Read in_cube
in_cube <- read_stars(vrt_path, RasterIO = in_RasterIO, proxy = FALSE)
in_cube <- st_set_dimensions(in_cube, "band", in_meta$sensing_date)
in_cube <- st_set_dimensions(in_cube, names = c("x", "y", "time"))
## Read scl_paths ----
if (!missing(scl_paths)) {
## Obtain rasterIO from in_sf
# read grid metadata
scl_meta <- sen2r_getElements(scl_paths)
# Check consistency between in_cube and scl_cube
if (anyNA(match(in_meta$sensing_date, scl_meta$sensing_date))) {
type = "error",
"All files provided in `in_paths` must have a corresponding image in `scl_paths`."
scl_paths <- scl_paths[match(in_meta$sensing_date, scl_meta$sensing_date)]
scl_meta <- scl_meta[match(in_meta$sensing_date, sensing_date)]
sclraster_meta <- sen2r::raster_metadata(scl_paths[1], format = "list")[[1]]
# check bbox format
scl_bbox <- st_bbox(suppressWarnings(st_intersection(
scl_RasterIO <- list(
nXOff = ceiling((scl_bbox$xmin - sclraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / sclraster_meta$res["x"]) + 1,
nYOff = ceiling((sclraster_meta$bbox$ymax - scl_bbox$ymax) / sclraster_meta$res["y"]) + 1
scl_RasterIO$nXSize = ceiling((scl_bbox$xmax - sclraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / sclraster_meta$res["x"]) - scl_RasterIO$nXOff + 1
scl_RasterIO$nYSize = ceiling((sclraster_meta$bbox$ymax - scl_bbox$ymin) / sclraster_meta$res["y"]) - scl_RasterIO$nYOff + 1
## Pass through a VRT
# (to avoid error "")
source = scl_paths,
destination = scl_vrt_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".vrt"),
options = c(
"-resolution", "highest"
quiet = TRUE
# Read scl_sube
scl_cube <- read_stars(scl_vrt_path, RasterIO = scl_RasterIO, proxy = FALSE)
# Check consistency between in_cube and scl_cube
# Check scl_w
if (missing(scl_w)) {
scl_w <- scl_weights()
} else if (!setequal(names(scl_w), names(scl_weights()))) {
type = "error",
"\"scl_w\" must be a named numeric vector ",
"created with function scl_weights()."
# Convert SCL to weights
w_cube_scl_raw <- scl_cube
for (i in seq_along(scl_w)) {
sel_scl <- i - 1 # 0:11 in a 12-length vector
w_cube_scl_raw[scl_cube == sel_scl] <- scl_w[i]
# Reshape it
w_cube_scl <- st_warp_fixing(w_cube_scl_raw, in_cube, method = "near", use_gdal = TRUE)
## Read cld_paths ----
if (!missing(cld_paths)) {
## Obtain rasterIO from in_sf
# read grid metadata
cld_meta <- sen2r_getElements(cld_paths)
# Check consistency between in_cube and cld_cube
if (anyNA(match(in_meta$sensing_date, cld_meta$sensing_date))) {
type = "error",
"All files provided in `in_paths` must have a corresponding image in `cld_paths`."
cld_paths <- cld_paths[match(in_meta$sensing_date, cld_meta$sensing_date)]
cld_meta <- cld_meta[match(in_meta$sensing_date, sensing_date)]
cldraster_meta <- sen2r::raster_metadata(cld_paths[1], format = "list")[[1]]
# check bbox format
cld_bbox <- st_bbox(suppressWarnings(st_intersection(
cld_RasterIO <- list(
nXOff = ceiling((cld_bbox$xmin - cldraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / cldraster_meta$res["x"]) + 1,
nYOff = ceiling((cldraster_meta$bbox$ymax - cld_bbox$ymax) / cldraster_meta$res["y"]) + 1
cld_RasterIO$nXSize = ceiling((cld_bbox$xmax - cldraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / cldraster_meta$res["x"]) - cld_RasterIO$nXOff + 1
cld_RasterIO$nYSize = ceiling((cldraster_meta$bbox$ymax - cld_bbox$ymin) / cldraster_meta$res["y"]) - cld_RasterIO$nYOff + 1
## Pass through a VRT
# (to avoid error "")
source = cld_paths,
destination = cld_vrt_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".vrt"),
options = c(
"-resolution", "highest"
quiet = TRUE
# Read cld_cube
cld_cube <- read_stars(cld_vrt_path, RasterIO = cld_RasterIO, proxy = FALSE)
# Check consistency between in_cube and cld_cube
# Convert CLD to weights
w_cube_cld_raw_0 <- 1 - cld_cube/100
scl_cld_val <- scl_weights()[c("cloud_high_probability", "cloud_medium_probability", "unclassified")]
if (any(diff(scl_cld_val) < 0)) {
type = "error",
"SCL weight for class \"cloud_high_probability\" must be higher than for ",
"\"cloud_medium_probability\", as well as \"cloud_medium_probability\" ",
"must be higher than \"unclassified\"."
scl_cld_lim <- c(0, (scl_cld_val[1]+scl_cld_val[2])/2, (scl_cld_val[2]+scl_cld_val[3])/2, 1)
scl_cld_limref <- c(0, 0.2, 0.8, 1)
w_cube_cld_raw <- w_cube_cld_raw_0
w_cube_cld_raw[[1]] <- ifelse(
w_cube_cld_raw_0[[1]] < scl_cld_limref[2],
scl_cld_lim[1] + (w_cube_cld_raw_0[[1]]-scl_cld_limref[1]) / diff(scl_cld_limref[1:2]) * diff(scl_cld_lim[1:2]),
w_cube_cld_raw_0[[1]] < scl_cld_limref[3],
scl_cld_lim[2] + (w_cube_cld_raw_0[[1]]-scl_cld_limref[2]) / diff(scl_cld_limref[2:3]) * diff(scl_cld_lim[2:3]),
scl_cld_lim[3] + (w_cube_cld_raw_0[[1]]-scl_cld_limref[3]) / diff(scl_cld_limref[3:4]) * diff(scl_cld_lim[3:4])
# Reshape it
w_cube_cld <- st_warp_fixing(w_cube_cld_raw, in_cube, method = "near", use_gdal = TRUE)
## Extract TS ----
if (inherits(in_cube, "stars")) {
ts_list <- list()
for (id in in_sf[[in_sf_id]]) {
in_cube_array <- in_cube[in_sf[in_sf[[in_sf_id]] == id,]][[1]]
if (all(missing(scl_paths), missing(cld_paths))) {
ts_list[[id]] <- data.table(
"date" = st_get_dimension_values(in_cube,"time"),
"id" = id,
"orbit" = in_meta$id_orbit,
"sensor" = paste0(2, in_meta$mission),
"value" = apply(in_cube_array, 3, fun, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
# generate w_cube_array from scl and/or cld
w_cube_array <- if (all(!missing(scl_paths), !missing(cld_paths))) {
w_cube_scl_array <- w_cube_scl[in_sf[in_sf[[in_sf_id]] == id,]][[1]]
w_cube_cld_array <- w_cube_cld[in_sf[in_sf[[in_sf_id]] == id,]][[1]]
array(c(w_cube_scl_array, w_cube_cld_array), dim = c(dim(w_cube_scl_array), 2)),
1:3, min
} else if (all(!missing(scl_paths), missing(cld_paths))) {
w_cube_scl[in_sf[in_sf[[in_sf_id]] == id,]][[1]]
} else if (all(missing(scl_paths), missing(!cld_paths))) {
w_cube_cld[in_sf[in_sf[[in_sf_id]] == id,]][[1]]
ts_list[[id]] <- data.table(
"date" = st_get_dimension_values(in_cube,"time"),
"id" = id,
"orbit" = in_meta$id_orbit,
"sensor" = paste0(2, in_meta$mission),
"value" = mapply(
if (fun == "mean") {
} else if (fun == "best") {
function(x,y,...) {mean(x[y == max(c(1E-19,y),na.rm=TRUE)], ...)}
lapply(seq_len(dim(in_cube_array)[3]), function(k) in_cube_array[,,k]),
lapply(seq_len(dim(w_cube_array)[3]), function(k) w_cube_array[,,k] + 1e-9),
MoreArgs = list(na.rm = TRUE)
"qa" = apply(w_cube_array, 3, fun_w, na.rm=TRUE)
ts_dt <- rbindlist(ts_list)
ts_dt <- ts_dt[!is.na(value),]
ts_out <- as(ts_dt, "s2ts")
attr(ts_out, "gen_by") <- "extract_s2ts"
} # end of IF in_cube is stars / stars_proxy
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