Man pages for rapidsurveys/oldr
An Implementation of Rapid Assessment Method for Older People

chart_adlDistribution of ADL (overall and by sex)
chart_ageAge by sex (pyramid plot)
chart_csidChart dementia screen (CSID) indicators
chart_ddsDistribution of DDS (overall and by sex)
chart_hhsChart household hunger scale (HHS) indicators
chart_incomeChart income indicators
chart_k6Distribution of K6 (overall and by sex)
chart_mfDistribution of meal frequency (overall and by sex)
chart_muacDistribution of MUAC (overall and by sex)
chart_washChart WASH indicators
chart_wgChart disability (Washington Group - WG) indicators
create_op_adlCreate older people indicators dataframe on activities of...
create_op_adl_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for...
create_op_adl_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for activities...
create_op_allCreate older people indicators dataframe from survey data...
create_op_anthroCreate older people indicators dataframe for anthropometry...
create_op_anthro_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for...
create_op_anthro_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for...
create_op_dementiaCreate older people indicators dataframe for dementia from...
create_op_dementia_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for dementia...
create_op_dementia_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for dementia...
create_op_demoCreate older people indicators dataframe for demography and...
create_op_demo_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for...
create_op_disabilityCreate older people indicators dataframe on disability from...
create_op_disability_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for...
create_op_disability_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for disability...
create_op_foodCreate older people indicators for food intake from survey...
create_op_food_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for food...
create_op_food_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for food intake...
create_op_healthCreate older people indicators dataframe for health and...
create_op_health_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for health...
create_op_health_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for health and...
create_op_hungerCreate older people indicators for severe food insecurity...
create_op_hunger_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for household...
create_op_hunger_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for household...
create_op_incomeCreate older people indicators dataframe for income from...
create_op_income_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for income...
create_op_income_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for income from...
create_op_mentalCreate older people indicators dataframe for mental health...
create_op_mental_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for mental...
create_op_mental_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for mental...
create_op_miscCreate older people indicators dataframe for miscellaneous...
create_op_misc_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for...
create_op_misc_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for...
create_op_oedemaCreate older people indicators dataframe for oedema...
create_op_oedema_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for oedema...
create_op_oedema_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for oedema...
create_op_screeningCreate older people indicators dataframe for screening...
create_op_screening_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for screening...
create_op_screening_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for screening...
create_op_visualCreate older people indicators dataframe for visual...
create_op_visual_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for visual...
create_op_visual_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for visual...
create_op_washCreate older people indicators dataframe for water,...
create_op_wash_femalesCreate female older people indicators dataframe for water,...
create_op_wash_malesCreate male older people indicators dataframe for water,...
estimate_classicFunction to apply bootstrap to RAM-OP indicators using a...
estimate_op_allEstimate all standard RAM-OP indicators
estimate_probitFunction to apply bootstrap to RAM-OP indicators using a...
fullTableFill out a one-dimensional table to include a specified range...
get_variablesFunction to get appropriate RAM-OP indicator variable names...
indicators.ALLRAM-OP Indicators Dataset - ALL
indicators.FEMALESRAM-OP Indicators Dataset - FEMALES
indicators.MALESRAM-OP Indicators Dataset - MALES
merge_estimatesConcatenate classic and PROBIT estimates into a single...
oldrAn Implementation of Rapid Assessment Method for Older People...
probit_gamPROBIT statistics function for bootstrap estimation of older...
probit_samPROBIT statistics function for bootstrap estimation of older...
pyramid.plotFunction to create a pyramid plot
report_op_adlCreate a report chunk for activities of daily living...
report_op_anthroCreate a report chunk for anthropometric indicators
report_op_dementiaCreate a report chunk for dementia indicators
report_op_demoCreate a report chunk for demography indicators
report_op_disabilityCreate a report chunk for disability indicators
report_op_docxCreate a DOCX report document containing RAM-OP survey...
report_op_foodCreate a report chunk for food indicators
report_op_healthCreate a report chunk for health and health-seeking behaviour...
report_op_htmlCreate an HTML report document containing RAM-OP survey...
report_op_hungerCreate a report chunk for activities of food security...
report_op_incomeCreate a report chunk for income
report_op_mentalCreate a report chunk for mental health indicators
report_op_miscCreate a report chunk for miscellaneous indicators
report_op_odtCreate a ODT report document containing RAM-OP survey results
report_op_oedemaCreate a report chunk for oedema
report_op_screenCreate a report chunk for screening indicators
report_op_tableCreate table of RAM-OP results
report_op_visualCreate a report chunk for visual acuity
report_op_washCreate a report chunk for water, sanitation and hygiene
testPSURAM-OP Population Dataset
testSVYRAM-OP Survey Dataset
rapidsurveys/oldr documentation built on April 15, 2024, 11:18 a.m.