Man pages for rapidsurveys/squeacr
Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC) Tools in R

calculate_cfEstimate case finding effectiveness
calculate_curedCalculate CMAM performance indicators - cure rate
calculate_deadCalculate CMAM performance indicators - death rate
calculate_defaultCalculate CMAM performance indicators - default rate
calculate_losCalculate CMAM length of stay
calculate_median_losCalculate median length of stay for a cohort of CMAM...
calculate_no_responseCalculate CMAM performance indicators - non-response rate
calculate_performanceCalculate CMAM performance indicators
calculate_routEstimate cases not in CMAM programme
calculate_tcEstimate treatment coverage
find_var_namesFind possible variable names from a data.frame given a set of...
monitoringRoutine CMAM monitoring data from Sudan
muac_admissionMUAC at admission
muac_admission_tidyMUAC at admission in tidy format
otp_beneficiariesOutpatient Therapeutic Care Programme (OTP) beneficiaries...
seasonal_calendarSeasonal calendar data for Sudan
smooth_m3a3Apply median of 3 and average of 3 smoothing on a time series
squeacrSemi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC)...
time_to_travelTime-to-travel to health facilities for beneficiaries and...
rapidsurveys/squeacr documentation built on April 26, 2024, 1:08 a.m.