
#' @section Path-like identifiers:
#' Values for \code{id} are expected to be of structure \code{a/b/c/.../z},
#' i.e. path-like identifiers using a slash as separator. 
#' The identifier is transformed to \code{a$b$c$...$z} and then in turn to a
#' valid \emph{get} or \code{assign} expression 
#' (i.e. something similar to \code{getOptionContainer(...)$a$b$c$...$z} and
#' \code{getOptionContainer(...)$a$b$c$...$z <- value}).
#' Of course, "atomic" paths (e.g. only \code{a}) are also valid.
rappster/optionr documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:23 p.m.