Man pages for raredd/Gmisc0
Collection of functions for plotting relations, generating tables, and more.

bezierArrowGradientA bezier arrow with gradient
bezierArrowSmplA simple bezier arrow
copyAllNewAttributesA simple thing to keep the attributes
describeFactorsDescribes factor variables
describeMeanA function that returns a description mean that contains the...
describeMedianA function that returns a description median that contains...
describePropA function that returns a description proportion that...
figCapNoAdds a figure caption number
figCapNoLastGets the last figure caption number
figCapNoNextGets the next figure caption number
forestplot2Create a forest plot
fpColorsA function for the color elements used in the forestplot2()
fpDrawCIDraw standard confidence intervals
getDescriptionStatsByCreating of description statistics
getGridValGets grid value
getLinesGets the lines shifted according to width
getLinesWithArrowGets the lines for an arrow
getSvdMostInfluentialGets the maximum contributor variables from svd()
getTicksTicks for plot axis
getVectorAngleGets an angle
Gmisc-packageCollection of functions for plotting relations, generating...
heightDetails.xaxisGets the height for an x-axis object
htmlTableOutputting HTML tables
insertRowAndKeepAttrInsert a row into a matrix
isHorizontalJust a simple help with interpreting the radians
mergeListsMerging of multiple lists
mergeLists_internalA helper function for mergeLists that does the actual work.
outputIntSI or English formatting of an integer
prConvertShowMissingA functuon for converting a show_missing variable
prFpDrawLegendDraw the forestplot legend
prFpFetchRowLabelGet the label
prFpFindWidestGrobFinds the widest grob in the current list of grobs
prFpGetConfintFnListGet a function list
prFpGetGraphTicksAndClipsA helper function to forestplot2
prFpGetLabelsGets the forestplot labels
prFpGetLayoutVPGet the main foresplot
prFpGetLegendBoxPositionConverts legend position to a standard position
prFpGetLegendGrobsGets the forestplot legend grobs
prFpPrepareLegendMarkerPrepares the legend marker function
prFpPrintLabelsPlots the labels
prFpPrintXaxisPlots the x-axis for forestplot2
prFpValidateLabelListValidate the forestplot label list
prFpXrangeGets the x-axis range
prGetAndValidateDefaultRefA helper function for the description stats
prGetStatisticsGet statistics according to the type
prGetTextGrobCexJust a simple acces to the gp$cex parameter
prGridPlotTitleAdds a title to the plot
prPushMarginViewportPushes viewport with margins
prTpGetBoxPositionsGets the box position
prTpGetBoxPropClrA gets the color for the given box
prTpGetBoxSizedTextGrobGets the text size for the box
prTpGetColorsGets a set of colors or just one color
prTpPlotArrowsPlots the arrows
prTpPlotBoxPlots the box for the transition plot
prTpPlotBoxesPlot boxes and arrows
pvalueFormatterFormats the p-values
rotateWidthAccAngleRotates a width to match a vector
rotateWidthAccVectorRotates a width to match a vector
splitLines4TableA helper function for html/LaTeX line formatting
transitionPlotA transition plot
validateAndConvertVectorInputsChecks the input of a vector
raredd/Gmisc0 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:02 a.m.