demo: Patient demographics data

Description Usage Format See Also


Baseline demographics data for patients enrolled on 15-000.




An object of class data.frame containing 50 observations and 16 variables:

id patient id number
site enrollment site
sex sex
race race
ethnic ethnicity
d_dob day of birth (dd)
m_dob month of birth (mm)
y_dob year of birth (yyyy)
d_reg day of registration (dd)
m_reg month of registration (mm)
y_reg year of registration (yyyy)
subtype genetic subtype, activated bcell-like or germinal center bcell-like
ens number of extra nodal sites
stage ann arbor disease stage
ecog ecog performance status
ldh ldh > ULN, normal or elevated

See Also

resp, surv, tox blabs, elabs

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