beep: Play a short sound

View source: R/beepr.R

beepR Documentation

Play a short sound


beep plays a short sound which is useful if you want to get notified, for example, when a script has finished. As an added bonus there are a number of different sounds to choose from.


beep(sound = 1, expr = NULL)



character string or number specifying what sound to be played by either specifying one of the built in sounds, specifying the path to a wav file or specifying an url. The default is 1. Possible sounds are:

  1. "ping"

  2. "coin"

  3. "fanfare"

  4. "complete"

  5. "treasure"

  6. "ready"

  7. "shotgun"

  8. "mario"

  9. "wilhelm"

  10. "facebook"

  11. "sword"

If sound does not match any of the sounds above, or is a valid path or url, a random sound will be played. If a negative number is given or the string "none" is given, no sound will be played.


An optional expression to be executed before the sound.


If beep is not able to play the sound a warning is issued rather than an error. This is in order to not risk aborting or stopping the process that you wanted to get notified about.


# Play a "ping" sound

## Not run: 
# Play a fanfare instead of a "ping".
# or

# Play a random sound

# Update all packages and "ping" when it's ready
update.packages(ask=FALSE); beep()

## End(Not run)

rasmusab/beepr documentation built on July 10, 2024, 7:07 p.m.