
#' @description A new version of \code{freq_by} which has more features.
# library(tidyverse)
# library(rlang)
# library(broom)
# # test data
# diamonds  <- ggplot2::diamonds
# diamonds$group_var   <- sample( x = c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"), size = nrow(diamonds), replace = TRUE)
# diamonds$cut[100:200] <- NA
# var_vector <- c("cut","color", "price" )
# # function
# freq_by <- function(dataset, var_vector, by_group = NULL, include_total = TRUE, min_cell_count = 10, htmlout = TRUE, font_css = "font-family: monospace;",
#                     include_p_value = FALSE,
#                     decimal_percent = 0,
#                     include_n = TRUE, include_percent = TRUE,
#                     include_cumpct = FALSE, include_cumsum = FALSE, include_subtotal = FALSE, include_n_missing = FALSE) {
# by_group_symbol         <- rlang::sym(by_group)
# var_vector_numeric      <- dataset[, var_vector ] %>% dplyr::select_if( is.numeric ) %>% names()
# var_vector_char         <- dataset[, var_vector ] %>% dplyr::select_if( function(x) is.factor(x) | is.character(x) ) %>% names()
# min_cell_count <- 5
# freq_fun <- function(dataset, var_vector_char_element) {
# char_element_symbol  <-  rlang::sym(var_vector_char_element)
# by_group_vector          <-  dataset               %>% pull(UQ(by_group_symbol))
# var_vector_element_pull  <-  dataset               %>% pull(UQ(var_vector_char_element))
# # test
#   chi_test               <- chisq.test( x = by_group_vector, y = var_vector_element_pull  ) %>% tidy()
#   chi_test$var_vector    <- var_vector_char_element
# # count
#   dataset %>% count(UQ(by_group_symbol), UQ(char_element_symbol)) %>% complete( UQ(by_group_symbol), UQ(char_element_symbol), fill = list( n = 0 )) %>%
#    group_by(UQ(by_group_symbol)) %>%
#     mutate( "group" = UQ(by_group_symbol)[1],
#             "covariate"    = var_vector_char_element,
#             "category"     = UQ(char_element_symbol),
#             "pct"          = paste0( round( 100 * n / sum(n), decimal_percent), "%" ),
#             "cumpct"       = paste0( round( 100 * cumsum(n) / sum(n), decimal_percent), "%" ),
#             "cumsum"       = prettyNum(cumsum(n), big.mark = " " ),
#             "subtotal"     = ifelse(  dplyr::row_number(covariate)==1, yes = prettyNum( sum(n), big.mark = " "), no = NA),
#             "n_missing"    = ifelse(  dplyr::row_number(covariate)==1, yes = prettyNum( n[ rlang::are_na( category) ], big.mark = " "), no = NA),
#             "n"            = prettyNum(n, big.mark = " " )
#           ) %>% ungroup() %>%
#     transmute(     group,  covariate, category,            n,             pct,         cumpct,         cumsum,         subtotal,         n_missing )  %>%
#     # selecting the columns
#     select_if(    c(TRUE, TRUE      , TRUE    ,    include_n, include_percent, include_cumpct, include_cumsum, include_subtotal, include_n_missing ))  %>%
#     plyr::dlply( .variables = "group", function(x) {
#       names(x)[4:length(names(x))]   <-  paste0( x$group[1], "_", names(x)[4:length(names(x))] )            # The first 3 names group, covariate, category are not changed.
#       x <- x[,-1]
#      }   ) %>%
#      Reduce( function(x, y) left_join(x, y, by = c("covariate", "category" )), . ) -> count_df_piece
#      if(include_p_value) {
#        count_df_piece$pvalue <- NA
#        count_df_piece$pvalue[1] <- chi_test$p.value
#      }
#      count_df_piece
# }
# suppressWarnings(
# var_vector_char %>%
#   purrr::map( .f = function(x) freq_fun(dataset = dataset, var_vector_char_element = x ) ) %>%  bind_rows()  )
# }
# diamonds %>% names() -> testvektor
# testvektor <- testvektor[1:9]
# freq_by(diamonds, var_vector = testvektor,  by_group = "group_var", include_cumpct = FALSE, include_p_value = TRUE )
# freq_by(diamonds, var_vector = var_vector,  by_group = "group_var", include_cumpct = FALSE, include_p_value = TRUE, include_subtotal = TRUE )
rasmusrhl/epitable documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:04 p.m.