Man pages for raymondben/datavolley
Reading and Analyzing DataVolley Scout Files

check_player_namesCheck for similar player names
datavolley-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'datavolley'.
dv_action2textGenerate a short, human-readable text summary of one or more...
dv_attack_code2descNominal descriptions for standard attack codes
dv_attack_code2locNominal starting coordinate for standard attack codes
dv_attack_code2set_typeSet type for standard attack codes
dv_attack_code2sideAttack side for standard attack codes
dv_attack_code_mapTranslate attack type and starting zone into an attack code.
dv_attack_phaseAttack phase
dv_cone2xyAttack cones to x, y coordinates
dv_cone_polygonsThe polygon coordinates for attack cones
dv_courtPlot a volleyball court diagram
dv_create_meta_attacksCreate a meta attack data.frame from the plays object if it...
dv_example_fileExample DataVolley files provided as part of the datavolley...
dv_fake_coordinatesFake coordinate data
dv_find_to_flip_coordinatesFind coordinates that need flipping
dv_flip_xyFlip the x,y court coordinates
dv_heatmapPlot a court heatmap, using base graphics
dv_index2xyGrid index to x,y coordinate and vice-versa
dv_int2rgbConvert integer colour to RGB
dvlist_summarySummarize a list of volleyball matches
dv_meta_videoGet or set the video metadata in a datavolley object
dv_plot_newCreate a new plot page for base graphics plotting
dv_point_phasePoint phase
dv_readRead a datavolley file
dv_read_sqRead a team roster (*.sq) file
dv_repairAttempt to repair a datavolley object
dv_sync_summarySummarize the video sync times in a dvw file
dv_sync_videoSynchronize video times
dv_validateAdditional validation checks on a DataVolley file
dv_writeWrite a datavolley object to dvw file
dv_xyCourt zones to x, y coordinates
dv_xy2coneConvert x, y coordinates to cones
dv_xy2subzoneConvert x, y coordinates to zones and subzones
dv_xy2zoneConvert x, y coordinates to zones
find_first_attackFind first attacks by the receiving team (i.e. attacks...
find_matchFind a particular match in a list of datavolley objects
findnextFind each entry in y that follows each entry in x
find_player_name_remappingAttempt to build a player name remapping table
findprevFind each entry in y that precedes each entry in x
find_runsGenerate information about runs of events
find_servesFind serves
fix_ace_evaluationsFind aces that might not be marked as such
ggcourtggplot volleyball court
ggxy-deprecatedCourt zones to x, y coordinates
inspectConvenience function for inspecting the plays component of a...
play_phaseFigure out the phase of play associated with each point
playsExtract the plays component from a datavolley object, or...
print.summary.datavolleyPrint method for summary.datavolley
print.summary.datavolleylistPrint method for summary.datavolleylist
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remap_player_infoChange player information
remap_player_namesChange player names
remap_team_namesChange team names
serve_win_pointsFind serve win points
skill_evaluation_decoderTranslate skill evaluation codes into meaningful summary...
summary.datavolleyA simple summary of a volleyball match
teamsGet team names and IDs from datavolley object
raymondben/datavolley documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 10:35 p.m.