
## TODO: 
## 1) run(pseudo,...,gridSize=?,...) 
## C part: set nbPtsGrille and a reallocation of the statex  
## 2) run(pseudo,...,domainSize=?,...) 
## C part: set tailleDomaine
## 3) statex à changer pour calculer la matrice de covariance des estimateurs!

## How this works?
## 1) libebpseudo: used here to calculate the statExG and statExND needed to compute 
## the pseudo and the gradient in the exponential case
## 2) there are two ways to compute of the log-pseudo and its gradient:
## a) inside R from the statex provided by  libebpseudo
## b) inside libebpseudo: no longer available since not in the R spirit! 

##class TakacsFiksel
# TakacsFiksel<-function(model,...,nbPts,domainSize,marks=NULL,mode=c("random","systematic"),weighted=FALSE,compute=c("normal","noparam","inverse")) {
#   if(missing(nbPts)) nbPts<-10000L
#   tk <- CqlsObj(TakacsFiksel,ContrastOptim)
#   tk$call <- match.call()
#   tk$resid <- Resid(model,...,nbPts=nbPts,domainSize=domainSize,mode=mode,weighted=weighted,compute=compute)
#   tk$response <- tk$resid$response
#   response <- eval(tk$response,parent.frame())
#   #added for communicating with Func.new in order to declare the marks names
#   .funcEnv$.marks.names <- NULL
#   if(is.marked(eval(response))) .funcEnv$.marks.names <- response$del.marks.name
#   else if(!is.null(marks)) .funcEnv$.marks.names <- if(is.character(marks)) marks else marks$name
#   tk$par0 <- NULL
#   tk$response_runs <- 0L #Normally update has to be done! 
#   tk
# }

# reactivate.TakacsFiksel<-function(tk) {
#   reactivate(tk$resid)
# }

# print.TakacsFiksel<-function(tk) {
#   print(names(tk))
#   return(tk)
# }

# # #update 
# # prepare.formula.TakacsFiksel <- function(tk) {
# #   tmp <- tk$resid$func$fct[[2]]$term$compFuncLoc
# #   tmp <- gsub("\\.c([[:digit:]]+)",".c[\\1]",tmp)
# #   tmp <- lapply(tmp,function(expr) as.list(parse(text=expr))[[1]])
# #   tmp2 <- tk$resid$formMngr$formulas
# #   tmp2 <- lapply(tmp2,expression.replace,dict=tmp)
# #   tk$leftForm<-substitute(.form*exp(-(.V)),list(.V=tmp2[[1]],.form=tmp2[[2]]))
# #   tk$rightForm<-tmp2[[2]]
# # }

# update.TakacsFiksel <- function(tk,verbose=TRUE) {
#   if(verbose) cat("Please wait: updating object TakacsFiksel ...")
#   update(tk$resid)
#   tk$updated<-TRUE
#   if(verbose) cat(" -> Done!\n")
# }

# contrast.optim.TakacsFiksel<-function(tk,param) {
#   #convert param to list
#   ## if(!exists("param.converter",envir=tk)) stop("Do not know how to convert param!")
#   #by(tk$param.converter,param,envir=.funcEnv) #transfer param to .funcEnv
#   #sum(nextRun.Resid(tk$resid)^2)
#   #left <- apply(apply(tk$leftMat,1,function(l) exp(-(param[1]+sum(param[-1]*l)))*c(1,l)),1,sum)/.funcEnv$pas2
#   #right <- c(nrow(tk$rightMat),apply(tk$rightMat,2,sum))/tk$resid$domainSize[1]/tk$resid$domainSize[2]
#   ## MODIF
#   # leftForm <- update(tk$leftForm,dict=by(tk$param.converter,param))
#   # left <- apply(apply(tk$leftMat,1,function(.c) eval(leftForm)),1,sum)/.funcEnv$pas2
#   # if(tk$resid$compute!="noparam" || !exists("right",envir=tk)) tk$right <- apply(apply(tk$rightMat,1,function(.c) eval(tk$rightForm)),1,sum)/tk$resid$domainSize[1]/tk$resid$domainSize[2]
#   ## Slight change from the previous idea 
#   ## PB: je ne sais pas où on définit tk$param.converter (s'inspirer de PseudoExpo qui a un cv2l)
#   sum(runWithParamList.Resid(tk$resid,by(tk$param.converter,param))^2)
# }

# has.gradient.optim.TakacsFiksel  <- function(obj,...) FALSE # => no need to define: gradient.optim.TakacsFiksel

# func.TakacsFiksel<-function(pseudo,...) pseudo$func
# terms.TakacsFiksel<-function(pseudo,...) terms(func(pseudo))
# summary.TakacsFiksel<-function(pseudo,...) summary(func(pseudo),...)

# residuals.TakacsFiksel <- function(tk,param) {

# }

# ##class TakacsFikselExpo
# TakacsFikselExpo<-function(model,...,nbPts,domainSize,marks=NULL,mode=c("random","systematic"),weighted=FALSE,compute=c("normal","noparam","inverse")) {
#   if(missing(nbPts)) nbPts<-10000L
#   tk <- CqlsObj(TakacsFikselExpo,ContrastOptim)
#   tk$call <- match.call()
#   tk$resid <- Resid(model,...,nbPts=nbPts,domainSize=domainSize,mode=mode,weighted=weighted,compute=compute)
#   tk$response <- tk$resid$response
#   response <- eval(tk$response)
#   #added for communicating with Func.new in order to declare the marks names
#   .funcEnv$.marks.names <- NULL
#   if(is.marked(eval(response))) .funcEnv$.marks.names <- response$del.marks.name
#   else if(!is.null(marks)) .funcEnv$.marks.names <- if(is.character(marks)) marks else marks$name
#   tk$par0 <- NULL
#   tk$response_runs <- 0L #Normally update has to be done! 
#   tk
# }
rcqls/EBSpatCGAL documentation built on July 30, 2023, 11:12 p.m.