Man pages for rcqls/flan
Fluctuation Analysis of Mutant Cell Counts

boealNumber of nalidixic acid-resistant mutants from Boe et al....
davidMutant counts and final numbers from H. L. David (1970)
draw.cloneGraphic representation of clone growing upon a finite time.
flan-packageFluctuation analysis of mutant cell counts
flan.testFluctuation Analysis parametric testing
luriadelResistant bacteria counts from Luria and Delbruck (1943)
mutestimFluctuation Analysis parametric estimation
rflanThe distribution of mutant cell counts
rosterMutant counts from Rosche and Foster (2000)
werhoffRifampin-resistant mutant counts from Werngren and Hoffner...
rcqls/flan documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:05 a.m.