Man pages for rdatsci/rt
R Tools for the Command Line

getConfigPathPath to rtcl configuration
rbuildBuild a package
rcheckCheck a package
rcleanRemove temporary files from a package
rcovTest the coverage of a package
rdocCreate documentation for a package
rhubUpload package to rhub
rinstallInstalls R packages
rknitKnit a document with knitr
rmakeMake and install a package
rpkgdownCreate static documentation with pkgdown
rremoveRemove R packages
rshineRun a shiny app
rspellCheck spelling in generated Rd files
rtclMaintainace operations for rtcl
rtestRun unit tests for a package
rupdateUpdate packages
rusageCheck variable usage
rwinbuildUpload package to winbuilder
stringToPackageConvert a string to an object of type 'Package'
rdatsci/rt documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 5:31 p.m.