Man pages for rdinnager/nichefillr
Niche Filling Simulations in R

continue_sim_radiationContinue Niche Filling Simulation Function
example_parmsFunction to generate example parameter objects.
expandingListUtility function for creating and adding to a list that...
extract_final_SRExtract Final Species Richness of Simulation
extract_paramsExtract Useful Parameters of Simulation Object
gen_dirichletGenerate Dirichlet Distribution Parameters for Peaks
generate_landscapeGenerate a Random Carrying Capacity Landscape
generate_landscape_oldGenerate Random Carrying Capacity Landscape
generate_random_params_QMCGenerate Quasi Monte Carlo Random Parameters for Simulation
integrate_funNumerically Integrate Carrying Capacity Landscape
K_funcCarrying Capacity Landscape Function (R version)
make_df_from_simFunction to extract trait history from simulation object as a...
make_ode_dfConvert ODE Output into a Data.frame
make_sim_dfExtract Data.frame of Simulation Data
make_tree_obInitialize Tree Object for Macroevolution Simulation
plot.nichfillr_simPlot a 'nichefillr_sim' object. If the simulation object...
sim_animationFunction to animate the results of a simulation. Currently...
sim_radiationMain Niche Filling Simulation Function
sim_radiation_multiFunction that takes a list of parameter objects and runs them...
trait_pop_sim_deCalculate Niche Filling Trait and Population Simulation...
update_br_lensFunction to Update Branch-lengths (and Traits) in...
update_tree_ob_extinctionUpdate Simulation Object with Extinction Event
update_tree_ob_speciateUpdate Simulation Object with Speciation Event
vis_K_landscapeVisualize a Carrying Capacity Landscape using RGL
rdinnager/nichefillr documentation built on Dec. 3, 2019, 7:13 a.m.