  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


Travis-CI Build Status

mixpanelR provides R interface for MixPanel data export API. More specifically, the package provides an S4 class that can be used to issue:

The following sample code exports the full data dump for the specified event into a R data.frame. In this example, all variable names and types are automatically extracted within the export function so data.frame df contains the variables with correct names and types.


# Create the S4 object    
api <- MixPanel(
          api_key = "<API_KEY>",
          api_secret = "<API_SECRET>"

# High-level function: full event data dump into data.frame 
df <-  export(api,
          event = "project:successful_donation",
          params = list(from_date = "2015-01-01",
                        to_date = "2015-03-05")


# Low-level function: specific API method requests
raw_response <- request(api,
     methods = list("events"),
     params = list(
         event = list("project:successful_donation","project:loaded"),
         unit = "hour",
         interval = 24,
         type = "general"

data <- fromJSON(raw_response)

You can install the package as follows:

if (packageVersion("devtools") < 1.6) {


The package passes all CRAN checks and could be submitted to CRAN.

realAkhmed/mixpanelR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4 a.m.