
Defines functions model_crossval

Documented in model_crossval

#' Train all insuRglm models on CV data
#' Train the current (last) and any saved insuRglm model using CV data. Predictions are stored for later use.
#' Uses parallel processing when \code{future::plan(multiprocess} is declared beforehand.
#' @param setup Setup object. Created at the start of the workflow. Usually piped in from previous step.
#' @param cv_folds Integer scalar. Number of rancom CV folds to be used.
#' @param stratified Boolean scalar. Whether to stratify losses and non-losses.
#' This will help in creating more representative crossvalidation folds with datasets that contain very few non-zero losses.
#' @param seed Numeric scalar. Seed for reproducible random number generation, e.g. for creating CV folds. Will override
#' seed created during setup.
#' @return Setup object with updated attributes.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{model_save}}, \code{\link{model_lift}}, \code{\link{model_compare}}
#' @examples
#' require(dplyr) # for the pipe operator
#' data('sev_train')
#' setup <- setup(
#'   data_train = sev_train,
#'   target = 'sev',
#'   weight = 'numclaims',
#'   family = 'gamma',
#'   keep_cols = c('pol_nbr', 'exposure', 'premium')
#' )
#' modeling <- setup %>%
#'   factor_add(pol_yr) %>%
#'   factor_add(agecat) %>%
#'   model_fit()
#' modeling_cv <- modeling %>%
#'   model_crossval()
#' modeling_cv %>%
#'   model_lift(data = 'crossval')
#' # let's do more folds and use parallel processing for that
#' plan(multiprocess)
#' modeling_cv <- modeling %>%
#'   model_crossval(cv_folds = 100)
#' modeling_cv %>%
#'   model_lift(data = 'crossval')

model_crossval <- function(setup, cv_folds = 10, stratified = FALSE, seed = NULL) {
  if(!inherits(setup, 'setup')) stop('Setup object is not correct')
  if(!inherits(setup, 'modeling')) stop("No model is fitted. Please run 'model_fit' first")
  if(!(is.numeric(cv_folds) && length(cv_folds) == 1)) stop("'cv_folds' must be a numeric scalar")
  if(!(is.logical(stratified) && length(stratified) == 1)) stop("'stratified' must be a logical scalar")

  if(is.null(seed)) {
    seed <- setup$seed
  } else {
    if(!(length(seed) == 1 && is.numeric(seed))) stop("'seed' must be numeric scalar.")
    seed <- as.integer(abs(seed))


  data_train <- setup$data_train %>%
    dplyr::mutate(id = dplyr::row_number())

  target <- setup$target
  target_sym <- rlang::sym(target)

  n_losses <- nrow(dplyr::filter(data_train, !!target_sym > 0))
  n_non_losses <- nrow(dplyr::filter(data_train, !!target_sym == 0))
  stopifnot((n_losses + n_non_losses) == nrow(data_train))

  if(stratified && (n_non_losses >= cv_folds)) {

    losses_index <- data_train[[target]] > 0
    non_losses_index <- !losses_index

    cv_fold_losses <- sample(1:cv_folds, n_losses, replace = TRUE)
    cv_fold_non_losses <- sample(1:cv_folds, n_non_losses, replace = TRUE)

    data_train <- data_train %>% dplyr::mutate(cv_fold = 0)
    data_train$cv_fold[losses_index] <- cv_fold_losses
    data_train$cv_fold[non_losses_index] <- cv_fold_non_losses

  } else {
    data_train <- data_train %>%
      dplyr::mutate(cv_fold = sample(1:cv_folds, nrow(.), replace = TRUE))

  for(model_nm in names(setup$ref_models)) {
    model <- setup$ref_models[[model_nm]]
    setup$ref_models[[model_nm]]$cv_predictions <- crossval_predict(data_train, model, cv_folds, seed)

  current_model <- setup$current_model
  setup$current_model$cv_predictions <- crossval_predict(data_train, current_model, cv_folds, seed)


realgabon/insuRglm documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 2:51 a.m.