calc.MaxDeltaT: Time-interval (DeltaT) for which Phi_ij(DeltaT) reaches its...

View source: R/HelpFiles_Calc Max Delta t.r

calc.MaxDeltaTR Documentation

Time-interval (DeltaT) for which Phi_ij(DeltaT) reaches its minimum or maximum (together with that minimum or maximum)


Time-interval (DeltaT) for which Phi_ij(DeltaT) reaches its minimum or maximum (together with that minimum or maximum). The interactive web application 'Phi-and-Psi-Plots and Find DeltaT' also contains this functionality, you can find it on my website:


calc.MaxDeltaT(Drift = NULL, Phi = NULL)



Matrix of size q times q of (un)standardized continuous-time lagged effects, called drift matrix. Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(Drift*DeltaT).


Optional. Matrix of size q times q of (un)standardized lagged effects. By default, input for Drift is used; only when Drift = NULL, Phi will be used (to determine the corresponding Drift).


The output renders, per element (i,j), the time-interval for which Phi_ij reaches its minimum/maximum together with this minimum/maximum.


# Input needed in examples below with q=2 variables.
# I will use the example matrices stored in the package:
Phi <- myPhi[1:2, 1:2]

calc.MaxDeltaT(Phi = Phi)

# If you would use the drift matrix Drift as input, then use:
##if (!require("expm")) install.packages("expm") # Use expm package for function logm()
##Drift <- logm(Phi)/DeltaT
#calc.MaxDeltaT(Drift = Drift)

# Note that the function 'PhiPlot' can help to see (per element) whether a minimum or maximum is reached.
##if (!require("expm")) install.packages("expm") # Use expm package for function logm()
##Drift <- logm(Phi)/DeltaT
#PhiPlot(DeltaT = 1, Drift)

rebeccakuiper/CTmeta documentation built on May 19, 2024, 11:30 p.m.