Man pages for reconhub/linelist
Tools to Import and Tidy Case Linelist Data

clean_dataClean a data.frame
clean_datesHandle dates data
clean_spellingRename values in a vector based on a wordlist
clean_variable_labelsClean variable labels
clean_variable_namesClean variable names
clean_variablesClean variable labels and fix spelling according to a...
clean_variable_spellingCheck and clean spelling or codes of multiple variables in a...
compare_dataCompare structures of two datasets
get_structureExtract the structure of a dataset
guess_datesTry and guess dates from a characters
linelist_exampleshow the path to a linelist example file
messy_dataFunction for generating messy data
top_valuesRecode factors, keeping only most frequent levels
reconhub/linelist documentation built on Jan. 1, 2023, 9:39 p.m.