
### konza_fire dataset

# Script for downloading and munging the dataset used in Ratajczak et al. (2017)

# Download the data ---------------------------------------------------
url <- ""
tempfn <- tempfile()
download.file(url, destfile = tempfn)

# Specify citation --------------------------------------------------------
df.citation <- "Ratajczak, Zak et al. (2017), Data from: Changes in spatial variance during a grassland to shrubland state transition, Dryad, Dataset,"

# Import files --------------------------------------------------------
data <- read.csv(tempfn) # the original data
attributes <- read.csv("data-raw/metadata/attributes-fire-konza-ratajczak.csv")

# Munge the data according to attributes table ----------------------------
fire_konza <- munge_dataset(data, attributes, df.citation)

# Save to package ---------------------------------------------------------
usethis::use_data(fire_konza, overwrite = TRUE)
regime-shifts/abruptdata documentation built on Aug. 13, 2021, 12:10 a.m.