  collapse = TRUE,
  warning = FALSE, 
  message = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette attempts to provide a minimal working example for building an ensemble using the covidHubUtils and hubEnsembles packages.


Loading forecasts

We start by loading some forecasts of weekly incident deaths from selected models. Note that these forecasts are retrieved from the US COVID-19 Forecast Hub data stored in the Zoltar database (the default specifications for the load_forecasts() function.

models = c("UMass-MechBayes", "USC-SI_kJalpha", "MOBS-GLEAM_COVID", "JHU_CSSE-DECOM", "CU-select", "BPagano-RtDriven")
forecast_data <- load_forecasts(
  models = models,
  targets = c(paste(1:4, "wk ahead inc death")),
  dates = "2021-12-20",
  date_window_size = 6,
  locations = c("US", "06"),
  types = "quantile")

We can plot these forecasts individually. If you are going to be making multiple forecast plots, it can speed things up to download truth data first.

truth_data <- load_truth(
  truth_source = "JHU", 
  target_variable = "inc death", 
  locations = unique(forecast_data$location)

  forecast_data = forecast_data,
  facet = .~location,
  facet_scales = "free_y",
  truth_data = truth_data %>% filter(target_end_date > "2021-06-01"),
  truth_source = "JHU",
  use_median_as_point = TRUE, 
  fill_by_model = TRUE, 
  show_caption = FALSE, 
  fill_transparency = .3

Build ensemble

Next we build a simple average ensemble of all the models

ensemble_forecast <- build_quantile_ensemble(forecast_data, 
                                             method = "median",
                                             forecast_date = "2021-12-20",
                                             model_name = "myTeam-ensemble",
                                             location_data = hub_locations)

and plot it

  forecast_data = ensemble_forecast,
  facet = .~location,
  facet_scales = "free_y",
  truth_data = truth_data %>% filter(target_end_date > "2021-06-01"),
  truth_source = "JHU", 
  use_median_as_point = TRUE

reichlab/hubEnsembles documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 12:37 a.m.