dish: Test of 9 different detergents

Description Usage Format Details Examples


Test of 9 different detergents. There are three basins that are used simultaneously at the same rate with a different detergent in each basin. Response is number of plates until foam disappears in a basin. Column 1 is session. Column 2 is treatment (kind of detergen). Column 3 is response (number of dishes). Treatments 1-4 are detergent base 1 with (3, 2, 1, or 0) parts additive. Treatments 5-8 are detergent base 2 with (3, 2, 1, or 0) parts additive. Treatment 9 is a control.




An object of class data.frame


For more information see Oehlert (2000) "First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments".

Data originally from John P. W. M. (1961) "An application of a balanced incomplete block design" Technometrics.



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