Man pages for rettopnivek/mle
Convenience functions for maximum likelihood estimation

AIC.mleCompute AIC for mle objects
akaike_weightsCompute Akaike/Schwarz weights
anova.mleTable of model comparisons using AIC and BIC
BIC.mleCompute BIC for mle objects
coef.mleExtract parameters from mle objects
confint.mleExtract confidence intervals from mle objects
create_mle_fnCreate a MLE function
deviance.mleExtract model deviance from mle objects
logLik.mleExtract log-likelihood from mle objects
MLEA convenience function to carry out maximum likelihood...
mle_fn_templateTemplate a log-likelihood function
param_estCompute parameter matrix
print.anova.mlePrint model comparisons for mle objects
print.mlePrint mle objects
print.summary.mlePrint summary measures for mle objects
sd.mleExtract standard errors from mle objects
summary.mleComputes summary measures for mle objects
tran_parTransform a vector of parameters
vcov.mleExtract the variance-covariance matrix from mle objects
rettopnivek/mle documentation built on May 5, 2019, 5:54 p.m.